Example sentences of "can [vb infin] with that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Robert said , ‘ Well , let's see what we can do with that arm .
2 I do n't know how you can see with that curtains pulled like that , why 's it , shall I pull it back ?
3 And , of course , there are only a certain number of people you can approach with that request .
4 ‘ I think we can cope with that increase , it is not really significant . ’
5 The er work which has preceded at er British Aerospace in the the cockpit , to bring together all the information , displays and controls erm has been tested on er a team of eighteen pilots from , drawn from the four nations , to see whether they believe they can cope with that sort of pilot work load in in simulated operations and they 're content that this kind of cockpit is ideally suited for the task and they can cope .
6 When there is a market for the intermediate product , it is usual to assume that each division can trade with that market if it wants to .
7 That was the way we became his followers , the way we got saved , it 's the way we continue , it 's the way and it 's the only re the only method by which we will ever stand before him and he will usher us into his presence to stand eternity with him , through his grace and as we see others , not in a sense of condemnation , not in a sense of self righteousness or pointing the finger , as we see others we can say with that man of old who , as he watched the , the man being dragged , to the , to the gallows , there but for the grace of God , goes I , goes me and there but for God 's grace , think of that most , that worse condition that you know , think of that person who has messed their life up more than any body else and er , who has made a total wreck of it , there but for the grace of God is you and there 's me , oh thank God for his grace .
8 The the as Mr er said , the way to solve the access to housing problem , is through the planning er through local plans and through affordable housing policies which are now enshrined in P P G three , and can deal with that problem quite satisfactorily .
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