Example sentences of "can [vb infin] [art] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You may know somebody who can make a dress for you , or help you make your own , ’ said Fenella Willis .
2 They do n't need to , but , erm , I mean nine , ninety eight per cent of their sales is on sale of gas , so the only way you can make a name for yourself is getting involved in things other than gas , one , installing central heating or kitchen .
3 If B brings a claim against A for breach of contract , A can make a counterclaim for indemnity , and the indemnity will extinguish any liability A incurs .
4 He has found several different types of Anomalocaris ; from studying the whole lot , he thinks he can make a case for saying that it belongs with the arthropods , not out on its own .
5 This potential development value is therefore speculative , but until the individual owners are proved to be wrong in their assessments ( and how can this be done ? ) all owners of land having a potential value can make a case for compensation on the assumption that their particular pieces of land would in fact be chosen for development if planning restrictions were not imposed .
6 There 's not many you can put up against them , but there 's two or three , like Arsenal , who you can make a case for . ’
7 Remember you can make a friend for life .
8 A player can make a bid for Number 10 ( by answering more questions ) when they have collected 325 seats .
9 I can make a pattern for a dress or for cake decoration
10 I mean there ought to be someone who can make a lead for us in house , that sort of thing , which we do n't have at the moment , because we 've got things like complicated split leads for rigging up two monitors , and we 've had those twice we 've had those made , outside , but they only need to get sort of broken , and we 're back to square one .
11 A short distance further on , the road ends at the Hawes — Ingleton highway where cars can make a U-turn for the return to Dentdale .
12 Those who have no or only an inadequate contributions record , and those who have exhausted their rights to Unemployment Benefit , can make a claim for means-tested Supplementary Benefit .
13 The lady in question was married to a lawyer who , in spite of being a writer to the signet , must have been singularly incompetent , for , as Gorthie remarked , ‘ he 's a senseless fellow that can make no shift for her and a great many children they have ’ .
14 The question which arises is whether the family proceedings court can make an order for no contact ; that is whether it could properly be said to be an order which was ‘ appropriate ’ with respect to the contact between the child and the parent .
15 The court can make an order for provisional damages at trial or on an earlier settlement , but the settlement must be approved even if the plaintiff is not under a disability .
16 If a woman can make an excuse for a man she loves and wants to hang on to , she will .
17 What 's more , you can make an appointment for a free consultation up to an hour long with free facial , analysis and advice .
18 You can adapt the menus for eating away from home , i.e. at work or even in a restaurant .
19 But because he is a child , the Earl of Moray , my half-brother , can rule the country for him .
20 If Professor Lee or others can devise a blueprint for government regulated auditors with financial and business skills to serve the public interest in a way he feels the Big Six do not , he should be aware of a ( minority ) view in these firms that auditing is a high risk , low reward business which is uninteresting by comparison with certain other activities .
21 She can lower the drawbridge for you , then raise it again without hindrance .
22 To avoid this we can emphasize the need for honesty , or provide a filter question so that a low-prestige answer seems equally acceptable .
23 I am beginning to wonder whether it will be necessary to get the chairman to come to St. Pancras before we can elicit the funds for the project .
24 ‘ You can disregard the requirement for references , and the going to America , ’ Surtees said .
25 A horse that has apparently recovered completely can remain a carrier for a considerable time and therefore should not be mixed with uninfected horses until nasal swabs are clear of any bacterial growth .
26 With NVQs a trainee can trigger a demand for assessment whenever he or she reaches competence .
27 There are two other ways in which expectations can influence the demand for money , and make it more unstable .
28 They have to address an unseen audience through the camera and they can prepare a script for their talk .
29 A court can include a requirement for the child to be medically or psychiatrically examined on one occasion or from time to time as directed by the supervisor ( para 4(2) ) .
30 Your local council can make a grant towards improving or repairing your home , and that can include a grant for making your home warmer .
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