Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With a new single imminent and a debut album currently in the writing stage ( both definitely on the funky tip ) , Jamiroquai can justifiably hold his head high .
2 When you draw level , drop down onto your belly and slide to the edge of the bank until you can slowly raise your head to pinpoint their exact position .
3 This is a particular case of a general rule about Greenaway 's films : that only a person as obsessionally preoccupied with formal patterns as the director — and that is a tall order — can properly share his shock when death turns out not to be deterred by lists and games after all .
4 In normal circumstances the capitalist state can successfully conceal its class character .
5 Well Charlie 'll have to so we can all wash our hair .
6 and they can all give them work .
7 At this stage in the proceedings I 'm going to adjourn Cou the Council meeting so that you can all have your tea .
8 You can so aim your plot that the events you will have to describe reflect on whatever current preoccupation of society it is that has fired your imagination ; your theme .
9 Sometimes the most doting and caring of parents can so overwhelm their child with protectiveness and a stifling form of love that they do not allow that child to develop .
10 In residential areas there are no attempts to create shared space on the Woonerf model and there is no discussion of the environmental works that can so improve their habitability .
11 The challenge is to find ways to support the existing popular structures so that they can better continue their struggle . ’
12 The book-collector can obviously fight his corner here with examples from well-known authors and historic figures who either drew the cheques or were at the receiving end .
13 Although they can gently put their point of view , parents must then accept the situation .
14 Obviously there is also the money element , and by returning to work you can perhaps give your child other benefits you might not otherwise be able to afford such as foreign holidays or maybe a private education .
15 Then comes a point , if matters continue , where the woman can suddenly experience her resistance crumbling , like a heavy door giving way before a battering ram pounding against it .
16 ‘ Do remember that a wife can only enslave her husband by her modest behaviour . ’
17 If the whites can only hold their form , this may allow us to sneak up on the blind side and pip them both at the death .
18 The police say they can only do their job if that information 's kept secret .
19 Now we need to talk a little bit about what happens when the veins or the arteries or the capillaries for that matter , the veins , the arteries or the capillaries have a leak in them , they become broken , now you already know that the circulatory system is a closed system and that the blood can only do its job if it 's being transported within that system , once the blood comes outside of that system then it 's lost the circulation and it can not perform its proper function any more , in other words the body 's losing its blood , okay , what condition do we call it when the circulatory system stops working properly ?
20 Management of a business can only justify its existence and its authority by the economic results it produces , even though as a consequence of their actions , significant non-economic results occur as well .
21 He embraces suicide as deed , as the one true act in a false world , as supreme podvig , as feat to end feats , God-killing , god-making ; and in doing so he exemplifies , as others before and Ivan Karamazov after him , the truth that Dostoevsky can only satisfy his hunger for crisis and clarity by bestowing it on the enemy .
22 People , however , can only mobilise their adult mature capacities if their peers are prepared to be curious about their social world and its implicit and explicit political structures as these exist in reality and in their minds .
23 The courts have said that the general skills of an employee are his property and the employer can only protect his property — business secrets .
24 One can only decide what part of a message is new and what part is given within a linguistic or situational context .
25 I can only admire her courage .
26 One can only admire his open-mindedness in allowing what would at first seem to him to be a reactionary step .
27 As for President elect Clinton 's oblique references to the asylum laws , one can only assume his administration will have no intention of interfering with the due processes of law in the US .
28 I can only explain my reluctance , honestly , to the fact that up to now I was n't ready — the views expressed might be too ‘ militant ’ , lesbian-orientated and ‘ anarchist ’ for the type of feminism I was espousing .
29 ‘ In that case I can only express my gratitude .
30 The keepers also appear to be a knowledgeable and dedicated group of people , for whom I can only express my admiration of their hard work .
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