Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing changes/feelings shift , move endlessly in circles/moths beating at glass endlessly/all that energy expended on nothing/no-one lets you in/desire and what can be desired are all fixed within strict parameters/ established as everything you 're not/desire written against your body/encoded in all the spaces which are not you/contours which are not yours/you occupy the gap between desire and fulfilment/absence of choice/no choice at all/why are moths nocturnal when so strongly attracted to light ?
2 Bright clear days when the Alps can be seen are rare , ( and the more pleasurable for being so ) , and if you want such days you had better come in spring or autumn when the heat haze is reduced .
3 What can be seen is that Parliament can not have intended an implied limitation along the lines of Ex parte Blain , 12 Ch.D. 522 .
4 What can be seen is that young girls are growing up far more quickly , and expect to be treated like adult earlier these days .
5 The rejoinder must be : although we may generally have neither the time nor the inclination to look at literary language under the microscope in this way , the fact that it can be done is important , and the doing of it can not fail to sharpen observation , by making us aware of how larger effects are built up from smaller ones .
6 The work which can be done is any work a solicitor normally does other than representation in a court or tribunal .
7 Returning to the problem of Table 10.1 , we have seen that the best value that can be achieved is 1 .
8 The best that can be achieved is 95 — 98 per cent packing if keys are small and no overflow is expected .
9 Whether this can be achieved is debatable because management schemes implemented to date have not been uniformly successful due to the tremendous variation in ecology and terrain .
10 It will be noted that where there is no penetration but aggravating circumstances exist , the maximum penalty which can be imposed is heavier than in cases where there is sexual penetration but aggravating circumstances are absent .
11 Free advice on the law relating to badgers and on how farm damage caused by badgers can be tackled is available from the ADAS wildlife biology units .
12 The time period that funds can be invested is critical in maximizing the returns from investments .
13 The extent of such informal activity will vary greatly in different areas and the extent to which it can be stimulated is unclear .
14 Whether either of these claims can be sustained is doubtful .
15 All that can be said is that Labour has lost elections in the past when the press was more favourable than it now is .
16 The most that can be said is that S.I.B .
17 The best that can be said is that to appeal to such a wide diversity of patrons he clearly possessed some very rare talent indeed .
18 Whether this justifies the conclusion of Esther Moir that " The most that can be said is that on and off the bench , the Justices interposed between the parish overseer and his helpless victim " is uncertain .
19 As with all other aspects of capitalist society , however , local variations in the interpretation of these two roles and the institutional framework within which they can be operated are normal .
20 The accuracy with which the pulses can be timed is such that the phase ( Fig. 8.7(b) ) can be carried across gaps in the data with an accuracy to better than 20 µs ; that is to better than .
21 The first generalization that can be made is that andesite lavas are more viscous than basalt ones .
22 That such a choice between working emotionally or technically can be made is useful for teachers to be aware of .
23 However , how such a judgement can be made is controversial .
24 I would repeat that , in my opinion , the only limitations on the type of order that can be made are those imposed by its statutory purpose and intended effect .
25 ‘ Sackholders ’ which look like dustbins but lack proper handles which can be grasped are INADEQUATE for loose refuse and MUST NOT be used except to hold tied plastic sacks .
26 The Local Government Act 1972 specifically states that the only business which can be transacted is that appearing in the summons convening the meeting .
27 The lowest price for which shares can be repurchased is zero pence so that an investor can only hope to double his or her investment at the most .
28 It is not necessary to set out all the evidence for the writer 's opinion : a summary of it , or a reference to where it can be found is sufficient .
29 The constantly-dripping nose for which no explanation can be found is another example , the catarrh which never quite clears up , the cold that comes out of the blue when life is difficult for us .
30 Other fish that can be considered are large barbs , like the Tinfoil , as their continuous swimming back and forth can act as a distraction for the aggression of the cichlids .
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