Example sentences of "can [adv] take the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the moment I can only take the family thing so far : I can talk about certain things , but then everything becomes a blank because I still feel too close to it all .
2 I can not take the credit for inventing this — it has been around for many years .
3 I can not take the decision , ’ said the man from the airline .
4 You can not take the plug off at all .
5 We have just got you well again , Jenna , and I can not take the responsibility of letting you out of my sight . ’
6 Some of these aspects may well combine in complex and inexplicable ways in the learning process and clearly the teacher can not take the chance of depriving learners of effective learning conditions on the grounds that they can not be explained or controlled .
7 Unfortunately one is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material in order to discover and savour these sidelights on the management of a Midland shooting estate , and in this reviewer 's opinion the book can not take the place of J. Miller 's Practical Gamekeeping .
8 Check carefully with your own Customs and Excise and the other country 's embassy before committing yourself to a purchase , as you can not take the rug back should it prove unsuitable .
9 Drivers themselves can not take the initiative since they can do nothing to relieve towns and cities of the extraordinarily wasteful and environmentally distasteful conditions which both they and the general public have to tolerate every day .
10 If we can not take the initiative in refusing to dock tails , and are unable to so much as raise an eyebrow at what we suspect are dog fighting injuries , then why should we care how many dogs are killed weekly by the RSPCA ?
11 It is clear , however , that the socialist abolition of the separation of workers from the means of production can not take the form of re-establishing the personal property of the individual worker in his/her own means of production on the model of peasant or artisanal conditions .
12 I can not take the matter any further at this stage , other than to say that no request has been received , as yet , for a statement to be made .
13 We can not take the risk of proceeding without at least third party cover and so the project may suffer a further delay while this is sorted out .
14 The two wives and two children he left behind in Russia call strongly to him , and when , under glasnost relaxations , he gets the chance to visit them , the relationship with Katherine can not take the strain .
15 If the stake can not take the strain and goes at the ground level weak spot , the plant stem has to bend sharply where it is trapped between its firmly-held root and the bottom tie .
16 The adventurers can just take the damage and shut the door behind them ; the puppets wo n't follow , they 'll just hurl a torrent of abuse at the cowardly adventurers .
17 It can not be said , on the other hand , that he goes very deep or that we can ever take the idea of Michael 's art very seriously .
18 Activities can also take the form of drama , role-play or debate .
19 You can also take the train : a mini-train , billed as Europe 's highest small railway ( it could just as well be smallest high railway ) , which coils for no less than ten very lofty , lonely kilometres around the spurs of rock to a distant terminus from which you can walk to the Lac d'Artouste , nearly 200 acres of it , in a stonily unforgiving ring of granite mountains .
20 You can nae take the chance .
21 This is where counsellors can often take the opportunity of expressing some of their own thoughts , feelings and experiences as a means of legitimizing the subject for discussion .
22 Transport into central London from here is relatively straightforward : you can either take the East London Tube line from Surrey Docks station ( five minutes ' walk away ) or take the river bus from the pier right outside the marina when the route reopens later this season .
23 But the Commission believes that no radio or television presenter can adequately take the place of a live teacher , and that no school should depend almost wholly on a centralised choice of music , particularly of hymns or songs .
24 They 're quite flexible , because he can actually take the income from the P E P if he wants to increase his er income as he goes along .
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