Example sentences of "can [adv] [vb infin] [Wh det] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But Sam can apparently do what the hell he likes , with as many women as he pleases ! ’
2 I can perhaps anticipate what the Minister will say .
3 Many people think you can only do what the punchcard tells you to do but , being me , I always try to get as much as I can from them — even with a lace card I 'll try knitting it in different ways .
4 Local authorities can only do what the law explicitly allows ; all council powers come from Acts of Parliament .
5 The " fundamental " principle of education is that the head can only take what the seat can take .
6 At a national level one can only imagine what the development consequences might be for countries with already declining or collapsing economies .
7 The Purchaser can only see what the Vendor makes available : it may not disclose everything .
8 I can not express what a privilege it has been transcribing it and entering your very mind and spirit in the throes of creativity , as it were .
9 So if you can not decide what the icon that looks like a milk churn with an overgrown mushroom beside it means you can select it and discover that it means Paste Clipboard contents — oh perhaps it is supposed to be a drawing pin besides a board but you could have fooled me !
10 I can not think what the Riding , but not only the Riding , will be without him .
11 ( It is strange : even though he has all the necessary information about them , terrestrial psychology is incomprehensible to him — the concept of love unfamiliar , so that he can not guess what a difficult situation he would create by his sincere , practical and well-intended question . )
12 But we can not smell what the dog can smell , nor interpret such scents , body postures and barks in the way our dog does .
13 As I increased Cleveland 's capital allocation from £2.9 million to £3.8 million , I can not accept what the hon. Gentleman says .
14 I can not envisage what the circumstances will be in 20 years ' time .
15 Even the most experienced police interrogator can not entirely avoid leading questions , simply because he can not know what the witness actually knows or what really happened .
16 The very freedom from mass accountability which allows it to do so also makes it difficult for leaders to know what society is thinking : without mechanisms for making needs known and understood , Polish and Soviet leaders simply can not know what the consequences of a rise in food prices or of other policy shifts will be .
17 We can not know what the future will bring ; nor did he .
18 One can not know what an adjective is being applied to just by considering its lexical meaning : the support of an adjective is defined by something outside the adjective 's own lexical content .
19 You can not guarantee what the resulting shade will be , though — you build up depth with subsequent layers — and you can get tell-tale streaking if you are not very careful with application .
20 The point is that whether descriptions are knowledge or behaviour oriented , type or token , they can not determine what the teacher does .
21 He is a devil , but you can not help what the gods … ’
22 Then they can not have what the larger community regards as the necessary minimum for decency … .
23 You can not imagine what the first few minutes of that bombardment were like .
24 We can not say what the outcome of a meeting of the Defence Committee might have been , or whether the course of events would have been altered if it had met in September 1981 ; but , in our view , it could have been advantageous , and fully in line with Whitehall practice , for Ministers to have reviewed collectively at that time , or in the months immediately ahead , the current negotiating position ; the implications of the conflict between the attitudes of the Islanders and the aims of the Junta ; and the longer-term policy options in relation to the dispute .
25 We can not say what the scope of such a review should be in respect of the machinery 's wider preoccupations , but we think that it should look at two aspects in particular .
26 At this stage , I can not say what the link will be , although I can say that it will be a dedicated , high-quality link .
27 We can not say what the occupation of Germany will involve at the moment , or what will be our obligations in the East and at home .
28 If we take such a " bat-detector " out to a clearing where a bat is feeding , we shall hear when each bat pulse is emitted , although we can not hear what the pulses really " sound " like .
29 Now it was a rule and the custom at the time that any of the staff could impose a fine on the spot and in this circumstance Fagan imposed a fine of 10 " ackers " — that is 10 piastres , which I can not remember what the value was at the time , but let us say it was something in the order of 5 .
30 The context of this calm acquiescence is a rise in what I will call semi-literacy , which relies on the visual image and hardly at all on the printed word except as a medium of advertising , and genuinely can not see what the problem is .
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