Example sentences of "can [adv] [adv] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But it has always been recognised that , where individuals desire that services of a special kind which , though not within the obligations of a police authority , can most effectively be rendered by them , should be performed by members of the police force , the police authorities may ( to use an expression which is found in the Police Pensions Act 1890 ) ‘ lend ’ the services of constables for that purpose in consideration of payment .
2 It is within the overall context of national development that regional development can most effectively be addressed and actioned .
3 The investigation of the sources of these emotions will provide information about how happiness can most effectively be pursued .
4 More fundamentally , the decision in Katsikas raises the issue of whether the employee can most effectively be safeguarded by legal provisions which are mandatory and so can not be contracted out of or whether the law must respect the employee 's freedom to choose .
5 One unfortunate consequence of this rather cavalier approach to the notion of class by sociolinguists is that meaningful debate on the question of how linguistic variability can most pertinently be related to social structure tends not to take place .
6 Evidence for buildings that can most probably be associated with the civilian town is slight .
7 However , it is the next and last version which can most reasonably be regarded as the true Pacific .
8 As resources are limited , priorities for reviews must be established , and in fixing these there is inevitably , and correctly , an element of going for ‘ soft ’ targets — those where it is likely that significant benefits can most easily be achieved .
9 This can most easily be done by ANDing the value passed to OPT with 6 .
10 Can most easily be distinguished from Tree Pipit by voice ; legs of adult generally dark flesh-pink , hind claw longer ; those of immature and of Tree Pipit flesh-pink .
11 The curriculum is skewed towards the practical subjects that can most easily be integrated into economic production — the sciences , engineering , mechanics and health studies .
12 The possible-worlds proposal can most easily be stated briefly in terms of a dependent conditional that is counterfactual .
13 We can now formulate a provisional test to determine whether a deviance is grammatical or semantic ( 'provisional' , because , as we shall see , things are not so simple ) : if the minimal change required to ‘ cure ’ an anomaly in a sentence involves one or more closed set items , then the deviance is grammatical ; if , however , the sentence can most easily be normalised by replacing one or more open set elements , then the deviance is semantic .
14 This can most easily be appreciated from Fig. 6.2 .
15 Ideally , further education activities should take place at a time when the qualified staff can most easily be spared .
16 The committee system , the greater resources of staff and money available to members , and the relatively weak calls of party loyalty have combined to suggest that this role can most successfully be performed by the United States Congress .
17 Optimal output can be calculated for each subject and for each period on each repetition , as can optimal sales which can most conveniently be expressed as a proportion ( always either 0 or 1 ) of total post-production stock .
18 The other half can most conveniently be received in lire ( cash please ) by William Fosdyke , an Englishman who has long made his home in Mondano and who has certain bills to discharge in relation to the property .
19 Other works from this and even from the earlier phase will be discussed in the last section of this chapter , on relief and architectural sculpture , since that is the area in which the formation of the ripe archaic style can most clearly be traced .
20 Applying these criteria , it seems to me that the type of deployment of nuclear weapons which can most clearly be argued to entail an illegal threat of force is one which involves a threat of first use of nuclear weapons .
21 The way in which the economy determines the ‘ structure in dominance , in the last instance can most clearly be seen in the context of a stable society where practices are mutually supportive .
22 Gloucester 's commitment to continuity can most clearly be seen in the signet office .
23 The difference between an offer and an invitation to treat can most clearly be seen in auction sales .
24 Gloucester 's commitment to continuity can most clearly be seen in the signet office .
25 It is now that the marked effect of training can most clearly be felt .
26 Although levels of sight do not relate directly to levels of performance in many school activities , there are some direct links between some of the specific forms of visual handicap and the way in which educational materials can most usefully be presented to individual children .
27 All are described pragmatically ( ibid. 21 ) as measures ‘ to aid decisions as to how police manpower can most usefully be deployed ’ .
28 This way of describing interviews can be used to consider what the control is exercised over , and where the types of interviews can most usefully be employed .
29 There are therefore different aspects of the functionalist style which can most readily be seen as tensions between empiricism and rationalism or positivism and idealism .
30 This can most readily be done with the aid of a computer , and if your agency does not have the facilities , several of the media owners and one or two computer bureaux have suitable programs available on a fee basis .
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