Example sentences of "can [verb] that the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We can presume that the novelty of the Society had worn off for the capricious upper classes .
2 No reasonable doubt can exist that the School will attain under his supervision a much higher rank in the estimation of the Inhabitants of Stockport and that it will prove of very great importance and advantage to its community .
3 I can promise that the Government will do no less .
4 I can promise that the Department will take vigorous action where there are good cases .
5 ‘ Ca n't speak for the food , that 's Kay 's department , but I think I can promise that the tipple will be up to par . ’
6 If I can demonstrate that the Kaiser himself , the monarch who ruled Germany for thirty years until nineteen eighteen , had ideas very similar if not identical to those of Hitler 's , at a time when he was not in contact with Hitler , when Hitler 's party was nowhere in political terms , then I think that 's yet another very important indication that there is continuity in German history from say the Bismarckian period through to nineteen forty-five , and that Hitler stands in that national tradition , and is not some kind of lightning erm that , that struck Germany erm from a blue sky .
7 There is an immense difference between the political systems of fascism and of liberal democracy , either of which may exist in a capitalist society ; and no one can doubt that the history of the world would have been very different if the fascist powers had been victorious in the Second World War .
8 Given Cadbury 's peerless reputation for research and development , and its continued commitment to high levels of marketing support , which in Time Out 's case includes a £5m advertising blitz through GGT , few can doubt that the company 's £35 sales target for the brand will be achieved .
9 It can direct that the application be re-heard by a magistrates ' court or it can make an order itself which will then be treated as an order of the magistrates ' court for the purposes of enforcement and variation ( s94(9) ) .
10 If you want , you can specify that the pose should be frightening , funny , difficult or amazing .
11 I can repeat that the IoT would be very happy for the Faculty to treat the IoT examination as the necessary qualification for its members to become Faculty Fellows .
12 At the beginning , before we start to read a couplet , we are aware that it is a couplet ( whether through modem conventions of typography , or through our familiarity with the poetic convention itself ) ; we can see that it will end after a snatch of words of between four and about ten , and we can expect that the couplet will constitute a complete sense-unit .
13 This is an approximate calculation so we can assume that the density and specific heat capacity of the reaction mixture are the same as that for water .
14 One is that it is doubtful in the extreme whether one can assume that the legislature always intended the tribunal to be the arbiter as to what the contents of the bracket ought to be .
15 We can assume that the Norse invasions of the later ninth and tenth centuries had some influence on the more vulnerable coastal churches , but there was nothing like the disruption which drove many northern bishoprics southwards for over a century .
16 I have been told by many other breeders that they have experienced a similar thing in their own kennels and so we can assume that the pecking order is not always maintained through physical strength .
17 Initially the subject will attend to a new stimulus but will then gradually lose interest and start to look away ( habituation ) ; if the stimulus is then changed in some way and if this causes a re-awakening of interest ( dishabituation ) then we can assume that the baby has detected the change .
18 Unfortunately there are no German records in existence ( perhaps something may now turn up after the reunification ! ) but we can assume that the result of the raid fell short of causing significant damage to the German war machine .
19 We can assume that the processing resources available for language production are limited , and attempts to hold items for future as well as current constituents would result in an unnecessary drain on processing resources .
20 ‘ We can ensure that the public has insurance cover ideally suited to their requirements , ’ he says optimistically .
21 Before submitting the package for approval , the manager of the package can ensure that the package is in an ‘ approvable ’ condition , ( in a similar way to running the scanner before attempting to enter a module ) .
22 We must ask how we can ensure that the health service reaches ever higher targets in areas of great social difficulty . ’
23 They can ensure that the family receives all the practical help available from statutory and voluntary bodies — perhaps the use of a day nursery , better housing and so on — and they can help to reduce the parents ' guilt and anxiety and encourage them to be accepting and relaxed and neither reject nor over-protect their handicapped child .
24 The group can be asked to respond to what one individual has just said ; or it can focus discussion on one individual at a time ; or the counsellor can ensure that the group discusses general or shared problems , or that it links and compares different problems faced by individuals within the group .
25 This reduces to , Hence , by defining N ( d 1 ) as the reciprocal of the hedge ratio we can ensure that the value of the hedged portfolio does not change during the next time period .
26 The press may publish details of " spent " convictions , and if sued may successfully plead justification or fair comment , unless the plaintiff can show that the publication of this particular truth has been actuated by malice .
27 a proprietor can avoid the ordinary liability based on the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher if he can show that the water had escaped without his negligence .
28 This did not however imply that recovery would follow in every case where a mistake had been shown to exist : ‘ If the defendant can show that the payment was made in settlement of an honest claim , or that he has changed his position as a result of the enrichment , then restitution will be denied . ’
29 Then we can show that the relationship between the quantity of base money in existence and the outstanding money supply depends numerically upon the magnitude of the ratios and .
30 In practice , unless the employer can show that the employee has copied or physically removed a list of names or the details of a process then it may be very difficult to establish that the knowledge of the employee is exclusively due to confidential information .
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