Example sentences of "can [verb] we [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , I shall not try to determine what kind of phenomenon consciousness is ; the task here is rather to see whether the machine analogy can give us a way of talking about it , whatever it is .
2 Visual information helps us interpret the audio signals we receive by reinforcing them with additional clues : a beckoning finger reinforces the words " Come here " ; at the same time the expression on the face of the beckoner can give us a clue as to the nature of the summons .
3 They can give us a prayer man
4 In short , objective laws of human nature , combined with an assumption that actors are rational , can give us a map for explaining international relations .
5 It is not closely related to those fish who pioneered the land , so any comparisons with them have to be made with caution , but even so it can give us a hint about how that momentous move was accomplished .
6 ‘ Few clients can give us a breakdown but historically we 've burnt up a lot of fuel .
7 And you can give us a ring on that number if you 'd like to have a chat on the air this afternoon about anything at all .
8 can give us a ring .
9 Palace boss Steve Coppell says of the striker : ‘ He can give us the pace Ian Wright used to offer . ’
10 Boltwood believes that psychic energy can give us the power to alter subconsciously our perception of the situation .
11 If the Commonwealth War Commission do n't know how to get hold of the War Graves Commission The Commonwealth War Graves Commission can give us the information we want provided we can give them the christian name of the person and the regiment .
12 The Holy Spirit out of all that we 've been speaking about and listening to you can give us the end of the sentence .
13 It will help us with our enquiries if you can give us the envelope or the outer wrapping .
14 It 's not just the better the members that we 've got working in the Health Service , it 's about everybody in the room and everybody in the country who wants to use it and we 've got ta get it a bi a bit higher up on the agenda at this union and I hope Mick , that you can give us the confidence and give us the commitment , that that 's what we 're gon na get from this union .
15 As the Leader of the House is here , perhaps he can give us an idea of when a statement will be made .
16 In some cases , vibrational progressions may be observed , and careful analysis of the nature of the vibrations involved can give us an idea of both the symmetry and any changes in structure associated with the transition , just as it can for a band in a valence photoelectron spectrum ( Section 6.6.2 ) .
17 Oh , and the ward clerk 's away because her little boy has chickenpox , so that 's more work for us , unless they can send us a replacement . ’
18 I think , well we 'll hang on to it and then they can send us a reminder ca n't they ?
19 ‘ Come on , Howard , you can show us the way . ’
20 His friends and colleagues gave him a memorable send off and presented him with binoculars ( for his bird watching ) , a leather writing case ( so that he can drop us a line from far off places ) and a couple of brandy glasses ( empty — unfortunately ) .
21 ‘ You can tell us a bit about him .
22 We usually assume that our minds can tell us a lot about what things are really like , but this is an idea which Proust , like Bergson , I may say , erm rather firmly rejects .
23 If he can tell us the one , surely he can tell us the other .
24 we 'll see if nanny can get us a celery tomorrow , I think cos that is really green
25 In that time he has put unemployment up by nearly 1 million , so he can offer us no lectures on the subject of unemployment .
26 The shape of bream , and the size and shape of their fins , can teach us a lot about their way of life .
27 Very anxious to promote the Wales in Europe scheme because it 's been very important to us , including the links that er we have been able to build up with other regions of Europe in Catalonia , , Lombardy and Battenberkaburg above all er which our our sort of strong erm er neighbours which can teach us a lot about industry and these are the areas that we will want to link up with by having this extra seat in the European parliament , er and obviously I mean there are sorts of areas where we have some sympathy with the occasional point that is made by the anti-Europe speakers on the other side .
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