Example sentences of "can [verb] and [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I can go to sleep now and I can laugh and go out .
2 This is an important role which requires the authority of a senior staff member , for example a Deputy Head , who can make and follow up decisions regarding curriculum development and in-service training .
3 ‘ I know , I 'm only a woman but I can make and mend just as well as any man , if not better . ’
4 Because if we ca n't generalize then I , perhaps I should be talking about British foreign policy or Iranian foreign policy or South African foreign policy are there generalizations we can make and say well it is similar for all governments ?
5 This all shows that stones are very active and can absorb and give out energies .
6 For a convincing construction of a normal form it is not enough merely to list a few types of equivalence that can arise and show how to deal with them .
7 We can exist and function well without love but , alone , we will never be put to the test , never be asked to grow in a certain way , never be stretched to the full .
8 ‘ But , then , why not steal stuff you can eat and do n't steal the stuff you ca n't and do n't bother with the dogs ? ’
9 The fifth : people work little , can eat and dress properly but no one is happy .
10 Here you can eat and drink well at reasonable prices before taking the two minute walk to the centre of town .
11 And I got her a box of Black Magic so that 's her birthday present sorted out so she can eat and drink then ca n't she !
12 One person 's idea can influence and spark off a better idea in another , and through the interchange something can be created which is more useful than either could achieve alone .
13 The hydroxyl radical can attack and damage almost every molecule found in living cells , including proteins , carbohydrates , lipids , and DNA .
14 Erm sometimes er I have n't mentioned much about the gender of the therapist but sometimes it can help a great deal if the therapist 's the same gender as the same person who 's undergoing therapy and it also helps if it 's er sometimes you ca n't very easily with some therapists , y'know it sometimes erm helps if it 's somebody you can trust and confide in and stuff like that and obviously , having met various psychiatrists and clinical psychologists , er quite a number of them are not people I 'd particularly like to talk about about being abused as a child .
15 Decoration of the aquarium should be as simple as possible , and leave plenty of free-swimming space so that the fish can display and move around without having to dodge large objects .
16 But we must discuss areas where we can cooperate and work together .
17 If possible , introduce the female a few hours before the male , so she can explore and settle in in peace and quiet .
18 Some mothers can enjoy and care well for a baby in arms , but are disturbed by and neglectful of a toddler who starts to express independence and move away as well as towards .
19 But I 'll do all I can To try and get by
20 Quite large accretions of atoms can form , and they can crumble and break apart again .
21 -Oh yes , there are some that can finish and machine together .
22 But one thing I think I can do and do well is a guitar solo .
23 Enjoy what you can do and do n't get too worried about what you ca n't .
24 If you find yourself in this situation it is important to decide realistically how much you can do and to mark out these easy between a parent and child , it is not likely to improve at this stage .
25 ‘ What the world wants is a fast and comfortable commuter airliner that can land and take off from helicopter pads and heliports , which are now fairly common in the big cities , ’ he said .
26 And we can appear and disappear just when we like , which can be very convenient .
27 In contrast , trust is like the precious soil in which a relationship can grow and put down secure roots .
28 We all know how to use pens — we were taught how to use a pen in primary school — but the computer ca n't read our writing yet , so we use something which looks like a pen , but it 's reading something which does n't look like letter of the alphabet and words , but which it can understand and understand very quickly and very accurately indeed .
29 We all know how to use pens , we were taught how to use pen in primary school , but the computer ca n't read our writing yet , so we use something which looks like a pen , but is reading something which does n't look like letters of the alphabet and words , but which it can understand and understand very quickly and very accurately indeed .
30 Then go to different parts of the room to check whether you can see and hear clearly everywhere .
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