Example sentences of "can [verb] [adv prt] with the " in BNC.

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1 Well obviously that factor er was considered carefully by the Ministry of Defence before our Secretary of State agreed that we could safely defer the in service date for Eurofighter two thousand and adjust the the er replacement plan er back in December ninety two , so we have looked at what is the current rate of consumption of airframe life on the jaguar er what can be done economically and sensibly to keep it flying safely and effectively into the next century and er we have come to the conclusion that we have a viable plan here which can tie up with the planned rate of delivery to service of Eurofighter two thousand .
2 And if you 're okay overnight then you can carry on with the pack as directed on Thursday morning
3 Even women who were constantly abused as children by fathers , stepfathers , uncles or family ‘ friends ’ can grow up with the idea that they 're somehow guilty themselves .
4 The Ferguson 14M1 is a lightweight portable 14in Colour Television which can be moved easily from room to room — so the family can keep up with the soaps whilst you keep your eye on the ball .
5 Global-scale investments in new skills and production approaches that can readily be transferred across borders have replaced much of the trade ; few can keep up with the pace of change .
6 Only a few people can keep up with the rapidly advancing frontier of knowledge , and they have to devote their whole time to it and specialize in a small area .
7 We hope the 4 cylinder speedsters can keep up with the pace .
8 But it seems that not everyone can keep up with the way our language is changing .
9 But I can keep up with the intermediate class and I said to Maxine , Does this get any harder ?
10 You can choose your own hours , which means that you can fit in with the needs of your baby .
11 If they can fit in with the room 's general style , so much the better .
12 The top light is open to enable us to hear him so we can join in with the responses , but the rain is beating so hard on the roof , we keep coming in raggedly and late .
13 " There 's rules about who can ride up with the driver , " I said looking at John Russell and wondering if he had any ideas .
14 But , you can mess around with the perception of time .
15 Yes I 'd love to think that I can struggle back with the tree .
16 Are the hotel or centre staff going to throw up their arms in horror if you want an earlier lunch so that you can press on with the afternoon session ?
17 We are here to have a committee meeting about the Season , and about your attitude , and indeed about whether we can go on with the Season at all . ’
18 Now the problem with that model of proceeding is that you then end up with you can end up with the exploitation of complain procedures for a wide variety of , not all of which you want to countenance , and some of the universities ' and colleges ' experience of trying to run complaint procedures in connection with sexual harassment has been deciding when to try to cool someone down and when a complaint is someone that should be run along with .
19 The oil companies can come through with the fuel , but it 'll cost more .
20 The vertical ramp will be made to the same dimensions as Southsea 's , as long as they can come up with the money to make it .
21 I mean if you can come up with the witnesses that are prepared to stick their head in the noose and say that .
22 ‘ If I can come up with the names then I will take that to the chairman or whoever is in charge to try and get the backing I need to sign them . ’
23 Now , may I stop there then , and if Mr can come in with the detail .
24 Who can come out with the longest words in a minute
25 I FIND it absolutely incredible that last week 's contributor , the anonymous Carrick fan , can come off with the statement ‘ Everyone knows Mr Brodie likes Linfield ’ .
26 ‘ If you just clear your little bits and pieces off the floor I can get round with the vacuum . ’
27 It 's only when you 've put yourself second and the message first that you can get on with the business of communication .
28 Thankfully the old saw that ‘ you ca n't call yourselves world champions until you 've beaten the Boks ’ has been laid to rest and now , politics allowing , the South African game can get on with the long overdue task of putting its own house — in particular its over-powerful domestic unions — in order .
29 We need organization , and the central purpose of this book is to lay out an account of the nature of the social systems and processes so that we can get on with the job .
30 Then stratigraphical nomenclature can be forgotten and we can get on with the real work of stratigraphy , which is correlation and interpretation .
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