Example sentences of "can [verb] [adv] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Taking the drill for instance , the voltage can range tenfold from 2.4 to 24 volts .
2 Marginal plants can benefit considerably from this treatment , but it should not be provided for those of a rampant nature .
3 Andrew Steel , Managing Director , looks ahead to the 1990's as a new era where the company can benefit greatly from these latest developments .
4 One can see even from this very brief review that deaf children 's learning of English does not match that of hearing children .
5 Erm so you can see actually from this fact find , from the planning the future document , there are , there was , there is a particular interest to you erm are you , are you quite happy with the figures er sorry was it erm was it that you were more or less interested in ?
6 It reveals how close U2 can come to being a straightforward rock group — one of those ! — and simultaneously how far they can move away from that .
7 Then she breathes out and gives a real smile — one of those big things that brightens her face like a starburst — and I see she 's been frightened , and I sigh , and suddenly I 've got a lump in my throat and I 'm trembling and I do n't think I can move away from this wall .
8 Within English itself there was already some awareness of the need to ensure that the discipline could touch the student of science : " The student of the physical and social sciences is not a disembodied intelligence , and he too can gain much from that purifying of the emotions which is still one of the most valuable gifts of the literary artist to posterity .
9 No explanation by the IRA can take away from that fact . ’
10 That much we can take away from this latest close encounter with planet Nirvana without fear of contradiction .
11 Yes , I 'm wondering , though , what practical advice people can take away from this programme .
12 HWIM or Hearsay-II on the other hand can proceed leftwards from any island of certainty .
13 Most timber colours are of somewhat muted hues and generally very subtle ( though not often dull ) , but can vary enormously from one another in tone value .
14 Manifestations can vary enormously from one individual to another ; a sufferer may — or may not — forget how to wash , dress , eat , go to the lavatory , get up or go to bed ; be disorientated in time and place ( for example , may get up in the middle of the night , or may wander away from home and be unable to find his or her way back ) ; forget the social conventions of politeness , and may therefore become aggressive or rude ( or over-friendly ) ; forget how to communicate , and even his or her own or other people 's identity .
15 Since school reports can stand separately from this it is possible to revise present reporting systems in preparation for the whole National Curriculum to come on stream .
16 It provides continuity , not by the imposition of the rule of a single class or caste , but by furnishing a means by which power can pass peacefully from one class to another without the upheaval or disorder of revolution .
17 A stiffened metal panel , subjected to a prod , can clank suddenly from convex to concave .
18 Clearly archaeological evidence is insufficient in itself and absolute proof of official connections can come only from epigraphic sources .
19 That 's why it 's important to have time off every so often so we can get away from each other for a short while . ’
20 " Thus in the case of two drops of water " he says — " we can abstract altogether from all internal difference ( of quality and quantity ) , and the mere fact that they have been intuited simultaneously in different spatial positions is sufficient justification for holding them to be numerically different .
21 Indeed , food requirements can rise anywhere from five to ten times that needed for a similar ectotherm .
22 When working together in a team , the members can learn much from each other .
23 We felt more strongly than ever that while differences of race , nationality , culture and religion are interesting and mean we can learn much from one another , they should never be manipulated to lead to conflict on a personal or international level .
24 We 'll certainly be putting firms in touch with others so that they can learn quickly from other experiences as quite a network of firms grew up at the seminar .
25 We are going through enormous changes in the education system at the moment and as Governors we have had to struggle terribly hard to learn how to govern schools as more power and more authority has been devolved to us , and we should have been spending this year erm working together on learning how to run a more successful school , and instead erm we 've had to waste a hell of a lot of time on really what was an absolute political nonsense and irrelevance , and I am glad we can turn aside from that .
26 Second , the market environment can differ sharply from one area to another , for example , in terms of consumer attitudes to the product , or the competitive situation , or your own sales force 's ability .
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