Example sentences of "can [verb] [pers pn] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The association and others criticise what I describe as independent inspectors , but we can reassure them in the Bill and elsewhere by showing how powerful HMI will be in ensuring that standards are up to the required level .
2 Surely we can conduct it in an adult manner ? ’
3 You can make it in the kitchen .
4 It is a chance for him to prove he can make it in the Football League . ’
5 Nevertheless , if the court 's powers are to be meaningful , there must come a point at which the court , while not disregarding the child 's wishes , can override them in the child 's own best interests , objectively considered .
6 That 's the , that 's the whole point , you , you have to start somewhere , yes I can give her a bit of paper , yes she can throw it in the bin , it 's made no difference , in fact I think it 's getting worse since I spoke to her , is n't it ?
7 the colours and everything and the order you want them , but the little figures erm , she buys them and she just paints them , and that 's how she could make er the ones for Shirley er for me , erm she gets little soldiers and she can paint them in the camouflage dress
8 We must examine it to see what sense it can yield us in the case of those who , as it happens , are not men in the first place , and in what way , once this is done , it will have changed its meaning for those who , by no special fault or merit of their own , actually are so .
9 If they seem to cause no problems , you can include them in the child 's diet .
10 Although the list includes characters who could never have met in reality you can include them in the same army if you wish to do so .
11 You 're getting in a mess Michael do it now , have you ever tried , bought , what , you can buy it in a slab ca n't you , but without the cream on
12 The point about the shop is that erm it sells things on a medieval theme and more specifically it has we have this undertaking that if you see it in the house , you can buy it in the shop .
13 Meanwhile , you can picture me in the thick of it .
14 Strangely , I can picture you in a white jacket dismembering rats . ’
15 You can chuck me in the river , if you like , for all the good I am to meself .
16 But , the fact is you can read over it , you can study it in a very literary way , you just ca n't do the same thing with Johnson .
17 ‘ You can feel it in the streets that Labour will win , ’ the television reporter said .
18 Techniques for going up and down stairs , through doors and in narrow spaces should be properly demonstrated by a mobility expert so that pupils guiding a blind friend can do it in a safe , efficient way .
19 Said John Thompson , IBM vice-president and Application Business Systems general manager , ‘ We will implement RISC [ on the AS/400 ] , but not until it catches up with the AS/400 architecture , which we think is more advanced … and until we can do it in a way that wo n't disrupt the customer 's applications . ’
20 Yeah if you can do it in a week all the better .
21 Now you can do it in a matter of hours , in an aeroplane .
22 So I 've been in touch with Brian again erm and I said , ca n't you make sure that your blokes can do it in a day .
23 But whereas the mum-to-be would normally have found themselves admitted for a spell in hospital for monitoring , the centre can do it in a day .
24 You can do it , you do n't have to do it in a great long line , you can do it in a sort of cube or something .
25 Oh , oh , if you can do it in a sentence .
26 If he can do it in the Baltic lands , he can do it elsewhere .
27 If they can do it in the far North , surely I can do it in the South ? ’
28 If they can do it in the far North , surely I can do it in the South ? ’
29 If they can do it in the far North , surely I can do it in the South ?
30 If they can do it in the far North , surely I can do it in the South ?
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