Example sentences of "can [verb] [pers pn] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Surely we can conduct it in an adult manner ? ’
2 Well they can make her into an old , old lady
3 This alone can make it worth a reporter 's time to come along .
4 Then you can make it into an easier idea of what I mean .
5 You can make it from a standing start to 60 miles per hour in 8.6 seconds — almost exactly the same time as a Mazda MX3 .
6 I looked at what all those other glamour pusses produced and I thought , Edna , you can knock them into a cocked hat .
7 ‘ If you 're being checked out by someone the fact that they can compare you with a photo is so satisfying that you 're on your way before you know it . ’
8 So what I was wondering was er the scheme is in it 's infancy this and I 'm all in the favour of the decentralising in principle , but I think we ought to perhaps look at it a bit closer , and I would suggest that we have an up-to-date report at the next meeting of this committee so we can compare it over a longer term so , as that we might then reflect on a if we 're doing the right thing or not .
9 ‘ Let's go and have a drink , then you can treat me to a celebratory dinner ! ’
10 See as you 've found your wallet you can treat us to a chicken
11 You can treat it as a printer , but one that prints its documents elsewhere .
12 ‘ I 'm sure that Jim will be able to get her some sort of job but , to begin with , she can treat it like a little holiday , until she sees if she likes it . ’
13 This being a movie , Sandra is recognised , by a young American woman who won her place in the workshop in a competition and who now , shyly , politely , asks if she can trouble her for an autograph .
14 The clothes of those attending can also be referred to , especially if you can introduce them into a joke .
15 We can do all that and I can introduce you to a few people . ’
16 You can trust him with a lady anywhere . ’
17 You can consider it as an abbreviation for the two rules with this condition and the actions play ( x , O ) ; play ( z , X ) and play ( x , O ) ; play ( z' , X ) .
18 You can buy them as a hedge against inflation , or as a straightforward investment .
19 Like all its designs , the B3 is tailor-made and you can buy it as a flat-pack for self-assembly or have it assembled by the company .
20 You can buy it on a Tuesday up in London , which is one of the good things about London
21 The birth his birthday was twenty four months , that means from when you can buy it for a new born baby or somebody up to two years old , will be suitable for it .
22 You 're getting in a mess Michael do it now , have you ever tried , bought , what , you can buy it in a slab ca n't you , but without the cream on
23 He 'll cry long and hard , and though you can soothe him for a few minutes at a time , hours can pass without you ever really silencing the cries .
24 ‘ Then perhaps you can assist me on a minor point of methodology ? ’
25 — the way in which he and his colleagues can assist us on an individual basis .
26 Er last years 's were reported er under the er Chairman 's action procedure to the committee and I 'm sure the county secretary can assist you with a copy of a schedule which was in fact a statutory background paper .
27 Strangely , I can picture you in a white jacket dismembering rats . ’
28 You 've got two legs that can carry you there and two hands that can pour it into a glass .
29 Retirement , when it comes , hits these people unnecessarily hard , and can propel them into a downward spiral of lethargy and depression , leading to premature death .
30 No manner of election can entitle him to a siege which is not vacant .
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