Example sentences of "can [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And , after two weeks that would have cracked a lesser man , Taylor proved he still has what it takes to ensure that England can qualify to be one of the outside contenders .
2 We can divide the components of sea water into three erm categories firstly those things which we can consider to be major constituents these are substances which are present are concentrations greater than one part per million .
3 The function of the impartial mediator or conciliator may be described as to act as a catalyst to ensure that negotiation does take place and that the issues are confronted and as a facilitator to enable an agreement which both parties can perceive to be fair .
4 Touch legering , like so many things worth doing , needs to be practised before you can expect to be proficient .
5 There 's nothing we can do except be brave and patient .
6 The patient wants to keep still but the pains can be so severe that they must move so sometimes they can appear to be restless .
7 The result of this is that linguistic variation and change can appear to be unidimensional .
8 Er and that means that the president 's attention is both diverted from substantive concerns and it also means the president , there 's a limitation on the extent to which the president can appear to be partisan .
9 Olive trees can grow to be well over a thousand years old . ’
10 Or you can dare to be alone with yourself .
11 Archaeologists have established that Jericho can claim to be one of the very oldest cities in the world , with a history going back all of ten thousand years .
12 Along with algebraic number theory algebraic geometry can claim to be one of the main motivating factors behind an autonomous theory of current interest , that of commutative rings .
13 Brownie points will be scored by any reviewers who can claim to be familiar with Updike 's earlier work on the same man , in Buchanan Dying ( 1974 ) , provided they remember that it was , of course , a play .
14 Even the excellent Amphibious range of submersibles is quickly banjaxed by blanketweed , and who can claim to be free of that ?
15 Walking is the only means of transport that can claim to be universal … yet the pedestrian is the most neglected of travellers … ironically , it is perhaps because walking is so commonplace that it is neglected — pedestrians are so universal as to be almost invisible .
16 ( Too often a breed which can claim to be productive even on poor quality fodder is given just that and expected to thrive . )
17 It is difficult to understand how the Government can claim to be concerned about looking after the welfare of citizens when there has been a fourfold increase in the incidence of food poisoning in the past 10 years .
18 If America and Eastern Europe have been the world leaders , the only countries in the world that can claim to be clean are those where the athletes are too poor to afford the drugs .
19 Gross has happily classified some 3,000 under various headings : Self-Love ( ’ To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance ’ — Oscar Wilde ) ; Love , Jealousy , Libido ( ’ No woman so naked as one you can see to be naked underneath her clothes ’ — Michael Frayn ) ; Secrets ( ’ There is something about a cupboard that makes a skeleton terribly restless ’ — anon ) and Criticism ( ’ In some cases taking up the trade of critic is only an embittered form of renunciation ’ — Albert Guinon ) .
20 Bear in mind that any speed limit is a maximum , it does not mean that it is safe to drive at that speed , always take into account all the conditions at the time , never drive so fast that you can not stop well within the distance you can see to be clear .
21 ( No such lists can hope to be comprehensive but it is a pity that no reference is made to Geoffrey Beard 's indispensable and pioneering studies on decorative plasterwork in the Adam period . )
22 The major one is that there is no way that the researcher can hope to be aware of , still less control , all the possible independent variables , and this casts doubt on any conclusions that may be drawn about causes .
23 You can decide to be imperfect , to do things in your own time , to please yourself , not to be strong and to try only as much as you like .
24 ‘ It is only the cream of our young manhood who can aspire to be one of our glorious cosmonauts .
25 As you will know stainless is certainly the best material to use for trowels or diggers , but these can tend to be pricey .
26 * Pregnant women are warned about eating liver as animal feeds that are fortified with liver have caused unnaturally high levels of Vitamin A which is stored in the body 's fat and can prove to be toxic in overdose .
27 They argue that Griffiths is undeniably a solid scrummager on the loose-head and they acknowledge that , largely depending on the nature of the game in question and the particular opposition , there are still plenty of matches where that can prove to be invaluable .
28 The game environment can prove to be useful in providing the vehicle for this purpose .
29 Because these systems are not ‘ natural ’ their structure is complex and even the knowledge of English can prove to be unhelpful when markers represent meaning and not form .
30 You can afford to be cheap and cheerful when it comes to just about every other accessory , but a bag says more about you than all the rest put together .
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