Example sentences of "can [verb] [pron] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Leaving aside the phrase that the hon. Gentleman attributed to me in the early part of his question , I can reassure him that the budget for the health service will be £3.7 billion , an increase of £342 million , or 10.1 per cent .
2 I expect that the Minister can reassure him that an environmental impact assessment can not have been made properly for that incinerator yet , because an application does not yet appear to have been made .
3 It is as explicit as words can make it that the defendants are to hold ‘ upon a weekly tenancy at a weekly rental , and that the tenancy is to be determined by either of the parties on giving a week 's notice to the other . ’
4 I can promise you that the total came as quite a shock to me , I was convinced it would be well in excess of my budget .
5 I can Promise you that the police will do everything they can to find Mr. Stavanger , and to clear up the other matters we have been discussing . "
6 Nor just the pleasures of the table , although I can promise you that the chef here is superb .
7 It seems to me that unless you can convince yourself that a grouping of companies adds more than the sum of its parts , there is no raison d'etre for the company at all .
8 BELVILLE : If you can convince me that the hated parson has had no encouragement from you I will offer you the following proposals .
9 Interactively organized circuits are highly resistant to analysis by the elimination of single components so we can only really use the lesion method if we can convince ourselves that the brain is organized differently .
10 And of course I can assure him that a difference of opinion such as this will in no way undermine my personal relationships with any of my fellow professionals .
11 Well I mean I can assure them that the , the National Rivers Authority in the Thames region is monitoring rivers on a daily basis throughout the year and that we would hope to deal with pollution incidents as they occur , and we would hope with our monitoring and the pressure we put on third parties to er actually over the years , to improve things from what they are at the moment and to make things better .
12 I accept that she probably became pregnant while she was working here , but I can assure you that no one in this house was responsible .
13 We can assure you that the Bank of Spain has never made any kind of operation in options with our institution .
14 We can assure you that the taste of champagne is more quickly acquired than that of Kosutnik .
15 The Secretary of State wrote : ’ I can assure you that the action the company has taken has not been forced on it by any of the measures the Government has introduced following the MMC's report on the brewing industry . ’
16 I can assure you that the Council will not move very far without consulting representatives of all the interested parties , including the institutes of education ’ .
17 ‘ But I can assure you that the last thing the Football League wants is a repeat of the Maidstone situation where a club struggles through the summer to a new season and then folds .
18 ‘ I think we can take it that a representative of the Security Service was regarded as , ahh , fundamental . ’
19 For his part , Mr Suharto can tell himself that the war will not be a lasting problem .
20 That represents sixty percent of secondary schools and seventeen percent of primary schools and despite the er endeavour to which he refers of Essex county council , I can tell him that the latest school to decide to hold a ballot on such status is Notley High School , Braintree .
21 There 's nobody , nobody can tell me that the big national companies who pour money into the Tory fund , that they do n't have a say in their policy .
22 A man at the back of the crowd said , ‘ I was sitting in the dome car lounge when Xanthe came through , and I can tell you that no one had come the other way .
23 • There 's no cut-and-dried answer to your question , but I can tell you that a great many people would disagree with you — both about your view of your own childhood and about smacking your children with a slipper .
24 But Mr Bullock said : ‘ I can tell you that the name belongs to us . ’
25 While on the subject of meat , we can tell you that the competition to find the best-made sausages in the UK gets under way this Sunday with the defending champion reported to be in sizzling form .
26 ‘ Friends , ’ she continued turning her back on him , ‘ by a miracle the settlement has fallen into our hands and I can tell you that the late Lord Chatwin left everything to his son and heir . ’
27 However , I can tell you that the title is The Life & Times Of Henry Pratt and it is set during the years 1936 to 1953 .
28 I can tell you that the further down the social scale we went the brighter and sweeter and richer the orange squash , and the more I loved it .
29 ‘ Any fool can tell you that the billy never boils over wood that is wet .
30 ‘ I can tell you that the transformation from Easington to here is quite dramatic , in fact you can use the word traumatic , ’ he says .
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