Example sentences of "can [verb] [pron] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Not directly but you can make one in that how that once everybody gets , once you have the resources to raise everybody up to a certain sort of acceptable standard of living , then you can redistribute those resources and you are , you are , y you 'll be able to eliminate poverty
2 Wh whilst that 's being done , can I just add that do n't feel inhibited ab I want you to make your best case , but I mean you know , if if you can make it in five minutes instead of half an hour then nothing will be lost in that .
3 People like Garth Crooks , Mike MacFarlane and Garry Thompson traced back how they could have made their blackness the basis for defeatism , admitting that ‘ there 's no way a black guy can make it in this society . ’
4 Even today , with the growth of computers in every branch of business , it is rare to find a computer man who can explain himself in simple English .
5 Yes , I can influence him in any way that I please .
6 You can brown it in hot fat beforehand if you really want to .
7 ‘ You can translate it in various ways .
8 The same missive ( it has characteristic Mr Nice Guy touches like ‘ I hope I have shown that you can trust me in difficult times as well as easier ones ’ ) went to the deputy leader , Coun Bill Dixon .
9 You can trust me in this , though .
10 When it has grown strong and healthy , you can display it in various ways .
11 Imagine a Highland haven far away from the hustle and bustle of the city … a private world where you can pamper yourself in unparalleled luxury … and relax in surroundings of timeless beauty .
12 However , those with more computer expertise can type them in any order , if they wish , and use the SORT component of the TA programme ( see below ) to alphabetise them before printing out .
13 There are still countries in which a mother can expect one in three of her children to die before reaching the age of 5 ( UNICEF , 1964 ) .
14 What is required of the student is the capacity to identify with English : " Unless an undergraduate can identify himself in some sense with the subject he is studying , he is either reading the wrong School , or has no business to be at university at all .
15 And this is gon na introduce you to a new word called psychographic and psychographic , you think you 've got , you can break it in two you 've got the psychological aspects and the graphic or mapping , the mapping of the psychology .
16 ‘ Whereas you , a childless young society woman , can feel it in full measure , ’ Tranter said sarcastically .
17 They can do everything in two rehearsals , and they take to Berlioz because of the virtuosity of their playing and the quickness of their reading .
18 we can do it in black and white Roger .
19 ‘ The Tientsin can do it in thirty .
20 However , there is a tip to erm , you can do it in one operation .
21 You can fly direct now the new seven four seven four hundreds can do it in one go .
22 Give me ten years and I 'll make something that can do it in twenty . ’
23 I 'm saying there 's only two ways you can do it in this country unless is to stop on the dole and .
24 You can bring them in this afternoon and fill them in here .
25 ‘ Perhaps we can bring it in next year , ’ said the head .
26 I can bring it in next week and play it really loud to the whole class I shall say this is Sarah and Dee where 's Tina Turner then .
27 Low-grade malnutrition ( slightly fewer vitamins and minerals than you need ; too much fat and sugar and too little fibre ) can show itself in small , insidious ways .
28 A woman can present herself in various roles : as a ‘ mother figure ’ , or as a child appealing to her husband 's paternal instinct .
29 Insulation costs money , but can benefit you in two main ways .
30 Researchers can trap them in frozen gases and study them at leisure
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