Example sentences of "can [verb] [pron] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And as I said , you can use these techniques with your team , or you can adapt them to use them on your own , because you do n't always have somebody to help you .
2 Although it was especially developed for babies at risk of allergy , many nutritionists believe that it would benefit all babies to follow a similar , gradual pattern of weaning , If your family is not allergy prone , you can adapt it to suit your needs , circumstances and baby .
3 The following pattern is only given as a guide to what to do , so that you can adapt it to suit your own yarn and jumper pattern , if necessary .
4 Each month , How To Get That Look brings you ideas and information on a particular room or furnishing style with hints on how you can adapt it to suit your own home .
5 Each month , How To Get That Look brings you ideas and information on one particular room or furnishing style , with hints on how you can adapt it to suit your own home .
6 ‘ I can trust you to deliver it unread ? ’
7 I 'm just trying to find out to what extent I can trust you to keep my cousin 's best interests at heart .
8 I mean normally I do n't bother with the tokens , I mean I Anyway I paid the cheque and I said to Peter I said oh by the way what about me tokens for me for me toy I said if I get a free one of them I can give it to give it to the grandchildren .
9 Once it 's locked up inside a glass case , surely it 's safe ; no one can expect me to do anything about it then .
10 As for the rest , ‘ no one can expect us to sign our own death sentence .
11 It was a lunchtime event which proved most enjoyable , and people left realising that it 's not only the banks that can do something to cover themselves .
12 We ca n't get rid of the horror and the fears , but we can do something to increase our competence in dealing with it and facing it , which I think is a healthier way than freezing , flying away from it , or fighting it .
13 The Ministry therefore feel that they can do nothing to restrict its spread , and will take no further action .
14 Of course , you 'll have to tell Charlie , but by the time you 're free , Emma will be of age , such an age that he can do nothing to hold her .
15 I have noticed that even people who claim that everything is predestined and that we can do nothing to change it look before they cross the road .
16 Many businesses think they can do nothing to protect themselves — but Barclays offers well-proven ways to limit damage which no business can afford to ignore .
17 If I can do anything to help you only have to ask . ’
18 And er , and , and yo you can do it to keep it .
19 Well , oh yes , I 'm sure I 'm not saying that 's the only thing that controls people 's food intake I mean clearly there are things cultural some cultures , the Japanese seem to love eating raw fish , I mean how they can bring themselves to do it I do now know , I mean the raw is I do n't think I 'd want to eat again , but er erm not always if they were cooked either , but erm the , the er and certainly if you look at the Australian Aborigines even though we take the Australian Aborigines as our kind of primeval people , they have astonishing food taboos , I mean their attitudes to food are very very culturally er effective to , to a quite extraordinary extent , some so that somebody somebody discovered that eating a tabooed food by accident , they 'll get very ill , a kind of psychosomatic illness .
20 Nowhere does anything get subjected to the ‘ necessary critique ’ , because neither Freedberg nor Kosuth can bring themselves to make their minds up on anything .
21 I 've made a complete fool of myself and I do n't think I can bring myself to ask what I came to . "
22 ‘ I can bring her to meet you tomorrow , ’ said Mr Bumble .
23 ‘ Then if you 're ready , shall we move , as I do n't imagine you can bring yourself to offer me a drink before we go ? ’
24 When you 've taken the splints off your leg you can use them to strap your arm up .
25 We know that our clock is normally adjusted by various external factors — and now we can use them to help us adjust to a change in life-style .
26 People can use them to buy their newspapers on Sunday morning and are often prepared to pay more to use those stores because they are convenient .
27 As data are available on individual drugs and the doctor ordering them , professional advisers can use them to inform their visits to apparent high and low cost prescribers and to make recommendations for change .
28 He reckons there are no shortages of possible uses — farmers can use it to do their accounts , women with child-care responsibilities can work in their own time on the word processors , publicity material for local craftsmen can be produced and so on .
29 This image is created in real time , so the doctor who is operating the bronchoscope can use it to manipulate his tool .
30 Trade credit is an unsecured loan given to someone so they can use it to buy your goods and services .
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