Example sentences of "out on [art] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Doing a round trip made sense , because otherwise you come out on a road with a 200-mile journey back to the start !
2 A party of people sets out on a journey with all its different components like the jumbled up pieces of a jigsaw puzzle , Sophia thought , waiting for something — some event or just the passing of time — to fit them together into a whole .
3 Tom Lawlor , another noted Irish photographer , is on record as pointing out that too many photographers assume that every assignment requires the lensperson to be enveloped in a labyrinth of cameras , telescopic lenses and what-not , whereas he invariably goes out on a shoot with very basic equipment and no accessories .
4 When you went out on a tour with MainMan , you did n't eat in a Wimpey level of place , or stay in the Holiday Inn .
5 This Thursday evening at Exeter Hall in Kidlington , visitors will be able to go out on a demonstration with top traffic patrol drivers , and have their driving skills assessed by an advanced instructor .
6 Most analysts have now cut their first quarter forecast , and the views now range from a loss of 64 cents a share to a profit of eight cents — and David Wu of S G Warburg has gone out on a limb with forecast $0.80 a share loss .
7 I want to be out on a limb with my back to the water so that I can see what the rest of the world is doing .
8 just to go out on a Monday with her , cos she does n't have nursery on a Monday , Tiffany .
9 In the afternoon , they went out on the moors with the cameras , and she sat crouched over the plates while the logic of the sentences fell apart completely .
10 ‘ I wish I were a young girl again , wild and free , out on the moors with Heathcliff !
11 Greg went out on the course with Laura about 11 PM and sat at the bleachers on the 18th with a bottle of champagne while he went over his round again .
12 Oh , and by the by , I want you to promise me that you will not go out on the rampage with Rose again . ’
13 The body is laid out on the back with hands at the side , the eyes are closed ( coins or cotton wool on the eyelids will help ) the jaw supported by a pillow , and all the natural outlets of the body plugged with cotton wool .
14 We now take a really big 14K PA out on the road with us .
15 I see bands going out on the road with a dozen more people than they actually need .
16 A highlight of her time with The Waterboys , she adds was when Cooney and Begley came out on the road with the band .
17 At heart I 'm just a reporter , out on the road with a film crew . "
18 It means getting out on the road with the sales people before they complain about call schedules .
19 Why , I remember being in a stagecoach , with the Apaches attacking , and out on the road with Henry Fonda and the Okies and shooting Tyrone Power while he was hanging up a picture … ’
20 Communism had been his religion , the romantic , revolutionary communism of 1917 and Petrograd and the streets full of soldiers and sailors and workers and red flags and armoured cars that looked as if they were made of galvanised steel buckets , and the cruiser Aurora out on the river with its searchlight blazing — now there was a fairground panel he could have painted if only he could have got away with it — but it was n't the same any more .
21 Later , much later , they breakfasted out on the balcony with only the Portuguese gardeners near by to disturb their peace .
23 Ward 's side had been fighting it out on the streets with the IPLO 's Dublin-based Army Council in a row over drug money .
24 He put the phone down , intending to call again , and stretched out on the bed with the last swallow of his bourbon .
25 erm Rusty in the fact that erm we have n't been able to sort of erm get out on the field with a ball in our hand , erm but erm our coach erm Ian McMillan has taken the opportunity to drag us into the gym and give us quite erm hard fitness sessions , so the fitness is still erm quite high on our side , but erm handling the ball will be a little bit rusty , but hopefully this week , now all the snow 's gone , we 'll be able to get out and erm move the ball about at training .
26 Only out on the water with Pedro panting in the prow had she dared to admit that for the first time in her life she had felt herself a prisoner at the Hall .
27 Now he sat out on the porch with his chair tilted back and his feet up on the rail , and he sipped at his beer as he watched the patterns of sunlight on the forest over on the far side of the track .
28 In days when guests used to go out on the hill with gillies if they were fishing a large loch , and caught undersized trout , they did n't put these small fish back ; instead , they put them in a bucket , taken along for the purpose , and carefully carried the little fish to an adjacent lochan .
29 One of two of the busiest mountain rescue teams have started taking cardiac monitors out on the hill with them .
30 If you 'd come out on the gig with me you could have held it for me .
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