Example sentences of "out of the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Out of his family 's travails he helped to make a fastness of domestic security — Cis , Ifor and the barricades of brothers , sisters , cousins , aunts , ever-open houses … out of the outwardly unpromising landscape of a war-battered , low-waged steel , coal and chapel culture he took a fine voice , musical knowledge , a skill in many sports , a love for learning : and he never forgot that a few shillings would and did make the difference between dignity and pity , poverty and decent comfort .
2 The Ministry of Defence objected on three grounds : the increase in nuclear missiles available to the West was operationally unnecessary and would only add to the existing nuclear overkill ; mixed manning was a formula for military disaster ; and the cost of the British share would have to come out of the already overstretched Defence budget .
3 Written entirely in two parts , the lower of which is made of standard accompanimental figures ( mostly Alberti bass ) , it is nevertheless somewhat more expansive and faintly more interesting than the ‘ Eckard ’ The following Corrente ( which demands a keyboard compass of F' to d'' ) , while made exclusively out of the rather mechanical formulas of the first few bars , at least generates plenty of energy with its leaps and crashing octaves .
4 It grew natural , and wholesome , out of the curiously emblemed architrave , and the fluids of his body were liquified pearl and amethyst .
5 Big trout muscle out of the dead cold ;
6 Out of the increasingly popular species tulips , my favourite is Tulipa tarda , originally from Central Asia .
7 Out of the newly desperate and ruined petit bourgeois , and those faced with crushing poverty on the dole , Le Pen , the Lombard League and the German neo-Nazis have refound the classic base of racism and fascism .
8 He had to decide what to do about the serious state of the Government 's own finances — the spiralling budget deficit estimated at £50 billion for next year — and he had to try to help the country to get out of the exceptionally severe recession which has bought both company failures and exceptionally high unemployment .
9 He had to decide what to do about the serious state of the Government 's own finances — the spiralling budget deficit estimated at £50 billion for next year — and he had to try to help the country to get out of the exceptionally severe recession which has bought both company failures and exceptionally high unemployment .
10 It was how it had been for the past two weeks and the young woman tried to ignore her protesting muscles and her aching back as she stared into the hearth and watched the tiny flames flickering in and out of the carefully banked-up grate .
11 So , with Harrison Drape 's Superstyle you can get in and out of the most tricky situations , with unashamed ease and style .
12 The floorboards , the great sweeping staircase , its balustrade and newels , were fashioned out of the most expensive materials .
13 How would you feel if you knitted yourself a nice little doll , out of the most expensive yarn you could buy , and spent the best years of your life working on it to make it as perfect as you could — then it suddenly got up and walked away and turned into something different ? ’
14 Erm , so we 've got , resources are always going to be taken out of the most efficient sectors if we , if we use protectionism .
15 At matches he had to be watched like a hawk in case he wriggled out of his headcollar , and set off for the tea tent , where his doleful yellow face and black-ringed eyes could coax sandwiches and cake out of the most stony-hearted waitress .
16 Another occasion which demonstrated Winston 's indifference to the dictates of authority or public opinion was when I was approached by a picaresque character called John Shaheen , an American oil magnate who spent his life getting in and out of the most complicated financial transactions , seemingly always on the verge of ruin but nevertheless contriving to remain sufficiently solvent to undertake his next massive adventure .
17 Tense thriller concocted out of the most unpromising elements : three characters , two boats , and a lot of water .
18 A pair of sharp black eyes looked her up and down out of the most wasted features Miss Kyte had ever seen .
19 Of course , some sort of pattern can be teased out of the most disordered subject though it may take half a dozen attempts before a pictorial structure emerges ; such an unhurried approach is not always possible for the long distance traveller .
20 Out of the indefinitely large number of possible examples in English , we might suggest : Although the adjectives differ in many ways , which will be examined in the next nine chapters , these phrases all exemplify the qualifying structure of ( 1 ) ; the noun alone is not sufficient to identify the entity under consideration by the speaker so the adjective is introduced to aid the process .
21 If British Raik were seeking to finance this project entirely out of the relatively small amount of revenue that will come to the station from the operation of the services and from the surrounding property development , it would find that impossible .
22 The formation of the commercial basis of the kingdoms is not uniform and geography must have played an important part in the speed with which they evolved out of the less commercial exchanges of primitive valuables between earlier corporate descent groups and cohesive political units .
23 It looks as if it has come straight out of a childrens ’ story book , for it is round with cosy little windows peeping out of the almost conical thatched roof .
24 One is that it displaces wage costs out of the more expensive core to the somewhat cheaper periphery ; another is that it leads to stable long-term relations with suppliers which open up multi-directional flows of information between the partners in the subcontracting network .
25 Guidelines for centres on alternative routes to certification was also published in the last year and provides centres with advice on how to get the best out of the highly flexible assessment and certification system which SCOTVEC offers .
26 What are they ? " asked Joseph quickly , anxious not to be left out of the intriguingly adult discussion .
27 Out of the morally serious upper middle-class English air he took empiricism and Idealism , the assumption of pre-determined progress and a belief in benevolent intervention , the general English notions of biological evolution and a Comtean conviction in positive altruism and put them together in the service of a liberal socialist ideal .
28 I was feeling so bad that I treated it as a kind of moral victory that I was able to empty most of the water out of the obviously Gav-filled kettle and leave the level at the minimum mark .
29 The weeding out of the congenitally unfit was only a secondary process , less important than the pressure encouraging most individuals to become fitter .
30 The warblers ' own young are turfed out of the deeply cupped reed nest by the cuckoo chick soon after it hatches and the foster parents find themselves feeding an enormous monster with a huge red gape and insatiable appetite — a monster which will eventually grow to three times their size .
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