Example sentences of "out [art] [noun] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 In February 1986 , he wrote an article in The Guardian attacking the Kilmuir rules as ‘ much too wide ’ and setting out the attempts to silence him , quoting letters from the Lord Chancellor ( Hailsham ) .
2 He did n't tell her that he had been so worried about her that it had been hard to concentrate on sharing the hurt with Marcus , on blocking out the punishment–hey put him through .
3 She should never have let him slip away silently to Pool in the first place , but clung fast to him there among the trees and called out the men to overpower him .
4 Culley half-rose , but Cattini put out a hand to stop him , and glanced back at the barman who lifted a bottle and dug a highball glass into an ice-container .
5 Peter lashed out at his brother , missed , stumbled and would have fallen if Marc had n't shot out a hand to stop him .
6 She nodded , reached out a hand to usher him inside .
7 Manescu put out a hand to halt him .
8 She was at the wicket before him , and because the yard was dark , put out a hand to guide him within .
9 She longed to reach out a hand to comfort him , but her muscles refused to obey her brain .
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