Example sentences of "up into [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is fun to practise pulling up into a climb and trying to establish an accurate , low-speed , steep turn .
2 One common kind is the pill woodlouse ( Armadillidium ) which is easily identified by its habit of rolling up into a ball when it is touched .
3 I rolled it up into a ball and pushed the shawl and lipstick inside the bundle , then I went to put it on Sally 's step .
4 Connors said the guy must have curled up into a ball and hidden in a waste-basket .
5 The expression on his face had grown hard and grim as he 'd scanned the paper in his hands , before angrily crunching it up into a ball and hurling it into a nearby waste-paper basket .
6 So I went up into a tree and I stayed there all night .
7 Step down and make a delicate traverse left to move up into a recess and small ledge .
8 I remember how her country beginnings showed themselves then : she made no fuss about seeming to be lost , nor did she work herself up into a state as the aunts would have done , just stood there patiently and quietly while I untangled her and found the way ; and did not even grumble , although after that I let her decide where we should go , which was usually across a field near the sewage plant , and along a road near the gasworks .
9 But of course the water is not heaped up into a cube and so it is perhaps more appropriate , though less convenient , to think of this mass of salt water in its actual context — as a veneer-thin skin which lurks in those troughs and valleys which fall below the mean circumference of the earth 's planetary spheroid .
10 And seeing the multitudes , he went up into a mountain and when he was set , his disciples came unto him .
11 No one can deny that he is more exciting , excitable and unconventional , with a mix of old and new Hollywood rolled up into a package that mixes James Dean with Humphrey Bogart , though Nicholson insists that he does not want to be compared with anyone .
12 and wrap it up into a package and say you know if anything goes wrong and it takes four hours then you
13 Not until it is four or five months old does it discover the remarkable fact that water can be sniffed up into a trunk and then , if you blow out , you can hose it into your mouth .
14 ‘ Sex is important to everybody but I think it 's been blown up into a thing that you must have and do . ’
15 The trolled and gargoyled buttresses wheel around you through rifts in the cloud ; they stretch , soar , disappear , solidify again suddenly out of the vapour then drift impossibly far up into the mist until your senses reel at the evanescent dynamism of the scene .
16 All over the south and south-west of England and up into the midlands and the borders of Wales we may encounter ancient hill forts on hill tops or upper slopes , still marked by the visible line of prehistoric ditches .
17 Blackberry scrambled up into the fern and then returned to the top of the bank , fidgeting nervously and half-inclined to bolt at nothing .
18 The hunting season for the palombe is short but deadly , and if you go up into the hills while it is on , the local men will be crouched there in their camouflage jackets , or lined up at stands along the roads , their shotguns aimed hungrily out over the valley .
19 The peaty brown moor land rises up into the hills and makes for rough walking .
20 It is a quiet and comfortable village to stop in , as I know from having stopped there , with good walks up into the hills and good fishing — for trout , which begin to come into their own around here as the mountain fish .
21 ‘ Instead of going straight back , why not drive up into the hills and show Ashley the view ? ’
22 To experience an exhilarating feeling of flight , imagine you are about to soar up into the clouds as your arms are thrust forward and backward in rhythmic motion .
23 I did n't run straight home to the house , but went back up into the dunes and sat down there , holding the flowers .
24 I gazed up into the darkness but the rafters were cloaked in blackness .
25 Well then er quite , so he said erm it was all quiet and I looked up into the darkness and I said that the old fellow had gone and he litten his fuse and there was me there I could see the sparks in the darkness and I was way twenty feet below him and he must have whatsit .
26 The story-line and the characters may seem incredible — like beautiful Remedios who floats up into the heavens while folding the household sheets and is never seen again — but Marquez defies you to disbelieve in them .
27 Follow the path up into the village and then follow the waymarked route behind the houses to the Golf Course .
28 ‘ One moment , ’ he said , climbing up into the cab and sitting in the driving seat .
29 I 'm sure that strut was put there to stop the inflating dinghy from swinging up into the tail when Derek froze on the life-line handle .
30 Then he shot his legs up into the sky and slid down without a splash .
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