Example sentences of "up and be [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Before all this I had never been a fisherman but I have now taken it up and am enjoying it , ’ he said .
2 Looking at the audience , you may find that only those in the first five rows are alert and interested — the next five rows are straining forward , probably frowning , while the people in the back of the hall have given up and are doing their best to hide the fact that they are nodding off .
3 My friend has now stood up and is pointing his finger at me .
4 And yet , even though her father had talked to her like one adult to another , as if at last he was ready to acknowledge that she 'd grown up and was making her own decisions , she 'd sensed the undercurrent of despair in what he was saying .
5 Before she was aware of what he was doing , he had lifted her up and was carrying her to the bed , where he deposited her gently , like some priceless , fragile object .
6 She had sat up and was pulling her fingers through the tangled forest .
7 It seemed he had just given up and was letting her go graciously and tenderly .
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