Example sentences of "up with the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only when we catch up with the Americans in this respect shall I feel comfortable ’ — Vadim Tumanov , displaced Soviet politician , reflecting on his first trip to the US .
2 This is why I maintain that both when and how these funds will be spent is closely bound up with the question of morality .
3 Much of the previous chapter was taken up with the question of what kind of economy is emerging in the UK .
4 This of course harks back to the much older debate about whether memories can be localized — something I 'll come back to later , ; much of the next two chapters will be taken up with the question of the localization of memory in space and time .
5 Bound up with the question of compliance with specification is the question of acceptance , since , until the goods have been accepted by the buyer , the seller can not be sure that he has discharged his basic liability to perform the contract , even if he has delivered the goods to the buyer .
6 So when you say yes you 're here could you call up with the name of your tutor so I can the tutor down so I
7 I 'm not up with the name of it
8 Many different groups are involved in the pollination of modern angiosperms and , in rain forest , this seems to be rather bound up with the level in the forest at which the flowers are presented .
9 Because the Spirit was tied up with the person of Jesus .
10 One puts up with the secret for the sex
11 In her mind the murder and the attack at the Chagall museum were inextricably bound up with the secret of the Durances .
12 The resources which go to make such a development possible are bound up with the processes of the marketing and the production of the romance volume .
13 The union teamed up with the Institute of Contemporary Arts to copromote a Rock Week held at the ICA building in London .
14 This invitation is also open to former members of the Scholarship Scheme , several of whom have found the Summer School an excellent ‘ refresher course ’ , and a way to catch up with the progress of their colleagues .
15 Sexuality was a major political issue in the suffrage movement.During the years before the First War the history of sexual politics became intimately bound up with the progress of feminism .
16 Thanks to his hobby some splendid pictures of his son and daughter 's early life were preserved — on their tricycles , walking through the local park , playing with their cousins , skating and skiing , and some more imposing ones of them with the grown-ups — getting into the car while Kerry the chauffeur holds the door open ; looking very serious with the uncles and aunts , their mother appearing to be taken up with the idea of not being photographed with them !
17 ‘ So it came up with the idea of an amnesty on illegal weapons . ’
18 I feel that children should be brought up with the idea of doing the best they can — for themselves . ’
19 As manager Scott Piering was overburdened with similar requests from fanzines , Morrissey came up with the idea of gathering a forum from six or seven of these fanzines .
20 For many , aspiration to higher things through promotion was tied up with the idea of a larger wage-packet .
21 So it has come up with the idea of a tape ‘ loop ’ to delay the broadcast of ‘ live ’ debates for long enough for an engineer to hit a panic button until the offending words have passed .
22 Clive had to have them , because the competition did , but since the benefits were at best indirect he had to come up with the idea of asking the students from each country to get together and prepare a ‘ typical national dish ’ .
23 Along with the bruises , I was left with the problem of what to do in the Grand Final , and eventually came up with the idea of a prop stool which would collapse at the touch of a button and jump up again on its own .
24 But Wordsworth had already proposed in his Guide that the Lake District should be made ‘ a sort of national property in which every man has a right and interest who has an eye to perceive and a heart to enjoy ’ ; we can now see that , over a hundred years before his time , he had come up with the idea of a National Park .
25 I came up with the idea of having a sale .
26 As a way of avoiding crippling purchase tax , which only applied to completed goods , Mr Chapman came up with the idea of selling the car in kit form .
27 Determined not to let herself be beaten by such obstacles , Prue came up with the idea of a luncheon club for professional women in the Exeter area .
28 A group of Dutch artists under the collective name of ‘ Cargo ’ recently came up with the idea of dropping 20,000 loaves of bread into the sea as an act of sacrifice ‘ from the nation ’ .
29 Local floatplane pilot Hugh Carlson , almost as a joke , came up with the idea of ‘ Why do n't we put one up on a pole ? ’
30 In most minds that entertain thoughts on either subject , the SSC is mixed up with the idea of the Higgs particle .
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