Example sentences of "up [v-ing] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Did you ever feel that it would be nice to give up struggling and close your eyes and sleep and never wake any more ?
2 The Press enclosure was in the Members ' Stand and the scene around us was indescribable as the staid ‘ more English than the English ’ burghers of Adelaide and their wives stood up booing and shaking their fists .
3 The reason it ends up swallowing and eating everything is that it 's seen as the only choice .
4 Regression therapy does not play a role in all hypnotic treatment : if the patient wishes to give up smoking or to pass his driving test , for instance , then regression does not come into it .
5 Give up smoking and increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and clear water .
6 4 Long-Term follow-up : The initial effect of the heart attack is extremely effective in altering life-style in encouraging the patient to give up smoking and to change his eating habits and work patterns .
7 Yet they do seem to end up describing and inscribing what is really on the national mind .
8 Monday 's an enthusiastic , ebullient and exuberant day when you could get totally carried away and end up saying or doing something silly .
9 ‘ Humour 's a more effective defence than violence , which ends up consuming or destroying you .
10 But as she raised the mug to her lips her hand shook and , instead of the sip she had intended to take , she ended up gulping and burned her mouth .
11 Jancey strolls up smiling and squeezes my arm .
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