Example sentences of "up [prep] [num] [noun] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 The group is made up of 20 women who suffer from the disease .
2 We 'd end up with 350 MPs who all wanted to be prime minister .
3 Brad Pitt stars as Johnny , a hipster idiot hung up on Fifties Kitsch who wanders incongruently through a contemporary bombscape filled with symbolic rubble and fetishised meaninglessness .
4 Behind each episode of Inspector Morse , there 's a crew of up to 80 technicians who make the gentleman dectective look his best .
5 Thomas and Kassab recently reported on the substantial benefits of fluoridation for the dental health of women aged up to 32 years who had lived continuously on Anglesey and who were attending St David 's Maternity Hospital between July 1986 and July 1987 for their confinement .
6 Ministers have agreed to make the invalidity benefit taxable and to introduce tough new assessments that would exclude up to 60,000 people who currently qualify for benefit .
7 LIFESPAN will display the list of up to 20 assessors who are interested in the DC and the status of their replies to date , starting from the name provided .
8 Microsoft 's simple arithmetic adds up to 25,000 people who know something about NT .
9 You can annotate a task , write down who 's responsible for seeing it through , and the names of up to three people who are involved .
10 indeed , the mood of the Conservative Party Conference twenty years ago was aptly summed up by one speaker who thought : ‘ Over the past 25 years we in this country , through misguided sentiment , have cast aside the word ‘ discipline ’ ’ , and now we are suffering from it . ’
11 But , I must claim , as a patient , that when a doctor tells you there is nothing wrong with your heart , and it is backed up by four colleagues who diagnose a hiatus hernia , the feeling of relief is enormous .
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