Example sentences of "up [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
2 However , both TA and IT are relatively complicated to master and you re recommended to let someone else set them up or run them for you unless you are really eager to advance your computer expertise .
3 He jumped up and kissed her on the cheek .
4 I got up and kissed her on the way up and went to meet the boys .
5 Mrs Mrs rang me up and ask me about the one
6 Erm you can phone them up and ask them for a Yellow Pages listing and they and they 'll give at random a listing from the Yellow Pages in whatever area you ask for .
7 Cowley took the phone from Roz Hatch as she picked it up and passed it to him , then left him to his privacy .
8 He said and we 'll take it up and repair it for you .
9 Er and er you 'd say , well try and get on old sheet and wash it thoroughly and iron them the p cut it up and iron them with a hot iron .
10 Take about three bananas , and cut them up and arrange them on a plate in four pieces to look like a monster .
11 Old people , in old people 's homes , sometimes regress to this stage , and they also can be observed to play with faeces and to wrap them up and present them as a gift .
12 A guardsman got up and thanked him in English for granting the battalion a week 's leave .
13 If the candidate seems settled in for the day stand up and help him/her with their coat , or begin to walk towards the door .
14 Jonathan , Jonathan , dad wants to watch the news in a minute please , so hurry up and change it over You 'd think they 'd save that You do n't know , I would n't be surprised you will well that 's marvellous is n't it ?
15 Damon kept rolling them up and using them as megaphones .
16 If he 'd picked her up and laid her on the bed and taken her with all the passion and strength his virile body was promising her at that moment , she would n't have raised a finger to stop him , so when he swung her around in his arms and deposited her nearer to the bathroom door before removing his arms from her she was left gasping with surprise and a sinking feeling of disappointment mixed with humiliation which shook her with its intensity .
17 Old Henry VII , father to the Great Killer , was a born miser and inveterate liar who would n't know the truth if it jumped up and bit him on the nose .
18 The mosquitos came up and bit me in the dark .
19 The mosquitos came up and bit me in the dark .
20 She arched against him , her hands searching desperately for his skin , and with a harsh groan he stood up and dragged her to her feet .
21 But hardly had the applause for the Collector died down when two hands reached up and dragged him down the stairs by his braces and into the crowd .
22 Pages were put together by gathering the material up and roughing it into a layout based round the principal hooks — the headlines and pictures which were the only things that really mattered .
23 She picked it up and set it on her knee , then began taking out the yellow and black wooden pieces and setting them on the board .
24 The hon. Member for Rugby and Kenilworth stood up and praised it to the heavens — they all did , calling it the flagship of their policy .
25 you know I can understand now the people that have n't got the truth , when one of the , the mate , when the mate dies whether a woman or a , or a , or a husband dies , they want to die , they do n't want to live because I felt that , I felt that , what 's there , what 's there me left to live , my kids they 're , they have their own families , there all time , they have no time , I brought up three children , I have a full time job and I have time for every one of them to look after and to bring them up and to set them on their way to live and not one of them became a prisoner or something , you know , they 're all have nice jobs and , and nice kid nice people , one , nobody 's in the truth the boys
26 I thought the part that , you know , she forgot it er well I know she did n't forget it , she just did it on purpose , but three days after my birthday it 's her wee brother 's first birthday and she had , she had the nerve to ring me up and invite me to her brother 's first birthday party accept and go up there with a present and a card and all and she could n't even have rang me up to say happy birthday So I have n't
27 Colin , get that photograph of that Porsche , blow it up and stick it at your work-station in your branch .
28 And I usually pin my hair up and stick it under a baseball cap .
29 For answer Penry picked her up and tossed her into the bed , stripped off his dressing-gown and turned out the light .
30 She tore them up and tossed them into the bin .
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