Example sentences of "up [conj] [verb] [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 Friends of the Earth water campaigner Linda Stupples said : ‘ The report fails to discuss the real options and blindly assumes the consumer either has to pay up or put up with polluted water .
2 ‘ Oh shut up and get on with the game . ’
3 Where once husbands and wives would ‘ go into mourning ’ for prescribed periods ranging from months to years , we like to see people pick themselves up and get on with it .
4 Then some great fucking panty liner washes in and lands on my foot and I just get up and get on with it ’
5 ‘ Shut up and get on with it ’ — a woman 's voice this time , more hurried .
6 Leave teaching , have a good moan and another drink , or shut up and get on with it .
7 Of these CorelDRAW is a good bet if your drawing needs are ( or may become ) fairly sophisticated ; Graphics Works is ideal for first time users , because they can pick it up and get on with the job from scratch with the minimum of fuss ; and if you want good page layout software to support your images , The Publisher 's Treasure Chest is a good choice .
8 Shut up and get on with your work .
9 In the end , of course , we all pulled our socks up and got on with the job .
10 This huge bull just walked up and got on with it . ’
11 I 'd rather you shut up and got on with it !
12 As you are sailing along , tense up and sail stiffly with your hands clutching the boom with a vice-like grip , with arms locked solid and body rigid .
13 An old lady descends from the black branches of the fire escape every morning and wearily gathers it all up and clambers home with it in paper bags : the food left for her by the birds .
14 He tried to stand up and fell back with a little snort of pain .
15 But it bothered her , because Naylor You'll-do-as-I-say Massingham had as good as just told her that either she shut up and went along with everything he said , even to the extent of pretending to be engaged to him , or he would dismiss her !
16 But the third was also paired up and came home with me .
17 I need more people like my detective sergeant who rolls his sleeves up and gets on with the job . ’
18 You may trip over a couple of times on the way but you will be quite capable of picking yourself up and getting on with life until you have achieved your goal .
19 The wood finally landed on a beach in Hornsea where a man picked it up and drove off with it .
20 A French Pinnacle unit — standalone or subsidiary of the UK outfit — should be up and running soon with three staff .
21 To add to his dismay , both his clothing and parachute were so clogged with peat and mud after an interesting landing that I would have paid money to have witnessed , that packing his gear up and walking out with it was out of the question .
22 And if you start to talk about me giving up and coming home with you , it ends right there . ’
23 ‘ His advice was to shut up and get on with it , ’ says Nigel
24 You see a working , well of course they do get them up nowadays , but in th you were supposed t to stay in bed for at least a fortnight after the mother was born but you a lot of these mothers used to hop out of bed when the midwife had gone , and , and I mean if they 'd got two or three children and a husband coming in and they had n't got a mother or a neighbour or somebody to come in and do the cooking , i I mean she 'd just get up and get on with it herself .
25 But why does n't she just shut up and get on with it , like everybody else ?
26 Equally these are horn books , do pick them up and wander about with them .
27 Between two people one poncho was used as a groundsheet and the other was strung up and pinned down with home-made pegs .
28 He swung his feet up and leaned back with his head on a cushion .
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