Example sentences of "up [adv] [coord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd erm was erm getting a pie out the oven and cos some of the juice went on the floor , she wiped it up thinking she 'd wiped it up properly and she did n't , she slipped , she 's broken a couple of bones in her foot .
2 Our Arthur , Arthur sat there and this girl come to clear the pots away and she 's been round lots of tables , you know , collecting the cups up together and she comes in and she goes ooh !
3 like that or your power is cut off because the E the M E B is digging the road up down and they say that your electric will be off for the next
4 Well , there was n't much Maureen could do about this injury , but the wound did heal up nicely and she cared for the bird for over a year .
5 He says the election is coming up soon and he thinks it 's politically motivated .
6 And they come round and sweep up outside or you know near enough every day .
7 He stood up smartly and she followed him with gratitude as he took from his pocket a large bunch of keys , from each of which dangled a carefully written label .
8 Mike rang the solicitor up yesterday and he said that he was sending out the contracts to us
9 The current was starting to tip the canoe over and I began to panic as the boat was filling up rapidly and I tried my best to bail it out with my hands but had little success .
10 Cause you have to put a lot of cream on your face to get the make up off and you do that especially if you 're doing two performances a day it 's an awful lot mess and much you 're putting on your face and you ca n't get it all off
11 fold bandage and if you want , pack it away like that , you bring the end in the centre , there , so and again the ends in to the centre , just so that they meet like this , like this the centre , just so that they meet there , again , start like this , ends just to meet in the centre do n't overlap them too much and again bend into the centre and you 've got a nice little pad , if you ever need a pad for plonking on a wound quickly , there you 've got a pad , or putting against an ear or anything you want it for and you open it up quickly and you 've got a bandage , two of those and you 've got a
12 Erm trading standards er European Community Union erm is putting up more and I think most of us would say that in this area are to be welcomed
13 I 've got to say that I did enjoy this outing ; although the day began with a freezing start it warmed up later and I had a pleasant time working amongst the iron and other junk that abounds on the riverside .
14 The old lady frowned at him and asked him sharply what his name was and he sat up straight but he answered cheekily .
15 You grew up straight and you grew up tall ,
16 I was so surprised that I involuntarily pulled up slightly and I passed over him before I could get him in my gunsight again .
17 So I got dressed and went to the corner shop to nick three Wormy bars , but Brett and Damon snuck up behind and they said they 'd tell if I did n't give them a bar each .
18 The flesh under her chin sagged as the fat disappeared but after just 5 months of stretching her lower jaw over her front teeth 5 times a day , her neck toned up magnificently and she looked 10 years younger !
19 give us time to get dressed , she says oh hurry up now and we 've just come out the bath
20 ‘ It 's edible , you know , so there were three professors up here and they decided to divide it up and eat it , ’ said Joe Hennen , a professor of botany .
21 When asked about it , he replied in his much-imitated growl , ‘ Fifteen years I 've been coming up here and they have to go and put this lump of concrete in the middle of the road . ’
22 and er , we had to set it up here and we sit here watching the telly and they 'd sit here for hours
23 We sit up here and we watch a game like that and we can see the game probably just drifting away from United a little bit ; you can feel that things are changing out there .
24 I mean he knew that because he 'd contacted me up here and I said well , to make it easier for you we could meet in Middlesbrough , save you coming up from er , Mansfield .
25 just that I tried the phone room , I 'll take you down there and , I could see you from up here and I said he 's around .
26 ‘ Anyway , ’ I said , ‘ I took off my boots and jacket and left them up here and I dropped into the water , because Harry had n't come up for air , like I told you . ’
27 because you think , I mean I come up here and I slag someone off to you or yeah , and then I 'll go downstairs and I 'll sit with them at lunch and have a perfectly normal conversation with them
28 If I 'm writing something up here and I talk to you while I 'm writing up here then what does it do ?
29 They 'll soon work out where the lorry came from and they 'll be coming up here and I think they might be very angry . ’
30 When I first found this I thought , Oh , it 's a sort of truck , well , well , and then I walked up here and I found it was a truck with — ’
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