Example sentences of "who have [be] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 From a purely philosophical point of view , teachers who have been cut off from the mainstream of educational activity should be helped to understand the dynamism that underlies a teacher 's personal development , the rapid changes in teaching situations and accepted methodologies , and also the changes which the target languages themselves are undergoing .
2 A couple to note in the Sturt colours are Scintillas Crest and Scintillas Silk — who have been pencilled in for Thursday 's meeting .
3 The TV presenters , who have been living apart since May , sadly told of their decision to separate .
4 The prevalence of this diminishes with time after the event , which you might think peculiar , but there are fewer patients who have been followed up for five years .
5 Despite this the symptom of urgency is invariably improved and all 81 patients with ulcerative colitis who have been followed up for more than six months state that they can defer defaecation for more than two hours .
6 This would include East African Asians who have been kept out of Britain all these years , and possibly the more recently arrived East African Asians in Britain .
7 Problems with men are central to the Bytches ' complaints , and the record begins with a potent warning in ‘ Comin' Back Strapped ’ , a call to arms for women who have been slapped around .
8 This is probably a result of inadequate treatment and is more common in those who have been treated late on in the infectious stage .
9 ‘ It is using the legislation to stop the union working , at the same time turning ordinary men and women who want to work , but who have been locked out , into criminals , ’ Mr McLevy said .
10 Businessmen working away from home frequently describe the tension on their return when their partners , who have been shut in with the children all week , suggest going out for dinner .
11 The programme is open to people who have been mulling over an idea for some time and experts will give it the commercial analysis it needs and , if it stands up , the business planning and search for funding that it merits .
12 I do indeed keep a list of questions , but I advise hon. Members representing Scottish constituencies that the next time we have Scottish Questions those hon. Members who have been called today will not stand quite such a good chance of being included next time .
13 We think this exercise is very important and have been among a small handful of organisations in Wales who have been consulted so far .
14 The people who will suffer most will be those who have been hit so hard already by the attempted dismantling of the welfare state .
15 Vendors who have been holding off would have to sell because of their financial commitments .
16 So I mean those of you who have been getting appallingly low marks and there are some of you in this set and I do n't get this every year .
17 That difficult situation is made infinitely worse and more galling to colleagues who have been rising repeatedly , question after question , without success , when a Conservative Member swans in , three quarters of the way through Scottish Question Time , and is instantly called .
18 Champions who have been made up in Jamaica give some insight into the breed 's development : Chesara Dark Warrior of Copeland , owned by Clyde Fisher ; Chesara Lady Macbeth of Copeland , again owned by Clyde Fisher ; Attilla Brunhild of Natra , owned by E. Mignott ; Chesara Dark Conspirator , owned by D. Walcott ; Tasika Angus , owned by D. Judah ; Lacie of Copeland , owned by T. Dunn ; Carbeth-S Black Concha , owned by W. Evering ; Paraiso 's Black Caesar , owned by Clyde Fisher ; Paraiso 's Black Jack , owned by Mr and Mrs M. Fox ; Sundance Poirot Northwind , owned by Winston Tucker ; Sundance Genevive Hellraiser , owned by Winston Tucker ; Sundance Loyal Duchess , owned by Winston Tucker ; Maowm Monty of Kemour , owned by Owen Munroe ; Sundance Doctor Bojangles of Phillsburgh , owned by Mrs Andrea Phillips ; Sundance Baroness , owned by Winston Tucker ; Sundance Black Charisma , owned by Mrs C. K. Galma-Tucker ; Sundance Ballet Princess of Phillsburgh , owned by Peter Phillips ; and Kempshots Drumbeat , owned by Meg Phillips .
19 While this treatment remains at the experimental stage , may I suggest that the logical position is that prospective patients who have been referred onward by the general practitioner and consultant should be selected — probably by Professor Hitchcock himself — and financed centrally as part of the experimental budget ?
20 All those who have been sticking religiously to their macrobiotic diet sheets while dreaming wistfully of soft boiled eggs and buttered soldiers can probably breathe again ( but watch this space ) .
21 Lanchester , who have been rained off in two matches this season , are at Ushaw Moor , while Sedgefield take on Tudhoe .
22 THE glow of recognition will be sweet for those who have been singled out in the New Year Honours list .
23 A number of people who have been singled out by Mrs Whitehouse as playing particularly crucial roles in the process of supposedly ‘ permissive change ’ have already been mentioned .
24 His remarks will disappoint many right-wing Tories who have been pushing hard for the Government to give a firm commitment to privatisation .
25 His remarks will disappoint many right-wing Tories who have been pushing hard for the Government to give a firm commitment to privatisation .
26 ‘ There have been quite a number of ladies who have been mugged around here , ’ he said .
27 RESEARCHERS in Texas may have found a way of reducing brain damage in road accident victims who have been drinking excessively .
28 Much of her care is carried out by her parents , Mary and Shaun , who have been shown how to use a suction machine and to spot trouble .
29 In May 1990 we carried out our own investigation into the story of the alleged " Bleiburg Massacre " , with the aid of Dr Aripand Thurn-Valsassina , the owner of Bleiburg Castle and Mr Robert Plan of the American OSS who led the leading column of the Croats to Bleiburg ( both of whom were present when Brig Scott received the Croat Generals ) , and of Yugoslav historians who have been carrying out their own researches into the massacres in Yugoslavia in 1945 .
30 So much is made these days of the high-profile young dance companies who are ‘ trying to find their own vocabularies of movement ’ , that it is all too easy to forget those who have been doing just that , very quietly , for a long time .
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