Example sentences of "who was [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Two well-turned-out girls in green aprons and an even smarter-looking youth waited to serve a customer who was picking up a bunch of grapes .
2 Fusarri opened an accusing hand at the restaurant owner who was wheeling up a trolley laden with fifteen different hors d'oeuvres .
3 He got her in to see an agent who was a friend of Jock Lennox , and he had arranged an appointment with a producer who was sending out a show with the American Ragtime Octette and Cissie Loftus the impressionist , as well as The Ramblers , a famous juggling act , and an Australian called Pansy Montague , who toured as La Milo , an exponent of the art of living statues .
4 She hesitated , looking at her mother , who was hanging on every word , then at Wycliffe .
5 You know , this man who was hanging on the cross beside Jesus he had not been christened , he had n't been dedicated , he had never been to a confirmation class in his life , he had never been baptized , he had never been received into church membership he had never even gathered around the Lord 's table !
6 Other ‘ schoolboys ’ included Jeremy Bulloch , who was to carve out a successful acting career , and Christopher Beeny who had already made an impression as a child actor in The Grove Family TV serial and later appeared in programmes such as Upstairs , Downstairs , The Rag Trade and In Loving Memory .
7 The woman who was filling in the form said : ‘ I ca n't put that down — you must remember you are a refugee . ’
8 Then she turned , willing Miss Harker , who was holding out the duster , to look at the board .
9 The Presidium of the Moldavian Supreme Soviet on Jan. 10 appointed Pyotr Paskar as Chairman of the Moldavian Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) in place of Ivan Kalin , who was to take up a diplomatic post .
10 In the midst of these , in 1926 , there arrived in India the man who was to take up the challenge Gandhi had thrown down to the Englishman 's belief in his god-given aptitude for rule — the sixteenth viceroy , Lord Irwin .
11 On July 12 , he named as Matthei 's successor Gen. Ramón Vega , who was to take up the post on July 31 .
12 De Alwis , Dr Netasinghe , head of the veterinary team , and the park rangers and trackers had another trump card in the person of the man who was to carry out the darting .
13 Fiona said , coming down the steps alongside a slim , blonde-haired girl who was zipping up an anorak .
14 But Lugh would rise above it all , and would not bother to listen to complaints about who was getting larger helpings of stew , or who was having the most comfortable sleeping quarters , or even who was getting up a bit later than everyone else .
15 ‘ The wiseacres of the village ’ , so Joseph Cottle heard from Coleridge , ‘ had … made Mr. W. the subject of their serious conversation ’ and concluded that a man so given to wandering the hills at late hours ‘ like a partridge ’ , and looking strangely at the moon , must either be a conjuror , a smuggler , or worst of all ‘ a desperd French jacobin ’ who was spying out the ground for a French invasion .
16 She turned to Amy , who was clearing up the dressing trolley .
17 ‘ Are you glad we came , Agnes ? ’ she asked her friend who was standing back a little from the craftsmen as they worked .
18 Another night Penn was with them when they disarmed a guy who was shooting off a shotgun in the street .
19 Now , his team-mates — all £14m worth of them — reckon the kid who was brought up a stone 's throw from Ibrox is even better .
20 Corbett stopped the steward who was scurrying along a corridor , a pile of costly turkey cloths under his arm .
21 For reasons which baffle me , the referee thought that it was Gimbert who was pulling down the scrum .
22 She opened the heavy oak doors and the dogs swept past her bounding across the drive to their master who was opening up the car boot to remove his luggage .
23 Here he studied under Otto Wallach , who was opening up the chemistry of terpenes natural products important as flavours and fragrances .
24 And , using all his force , he ran and crashed into the second assassin , who was winching back the arbalest for another bolt .
25 Elinor asked Buzz , who was adding up the Scrabble score .
26 ‘ Well if it comes to that I do n't exactly trust the dear boy myself ’ she had remarked to her mother who was winding up a short visit en route to stay with some Canadian cousins .
27 The CID sergeant thanked her gravely and went to stand beside Jamie who was peering down the embankment , looking pinched .
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