Example sentences of "who had [adv] [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 He had been held with two other French hostages who had also now been released , and two Americans , Edward Tracey and Joe Cicippio .
2 Though the morale of the Party faithful had been temporarily resuscitated by Hitler 's rhetoric , it is clear that rhetoric alone was no longer sufficient to restore the confidence of the considerable sections of the population who had only superficially been won over in previous years by the magnitude of Hitler 's seemingly undeniable ‘ achievements ’ and who had suffered irreversible disillusionment since 1941–2 .
3 Had he known that four Pakis were resting their dark arses on his deep leather seats , ready to be driven by his daughter , who had only recently been fucked by one of them , he would n't have been a contented man .
4 He had two more contests in the autumn , losing both , by which time the little man who had so recently been Scotland 's pride was an alcoholic .
5 She then felt reluctant to go downstairs to face the man who had so recently been kissing her bare breasts , so she took extra time to straighten the bed where she had almost been willing to — no , longing to make love with Silas , she amended with a burst of mental honesty .
6 At the end of the fourth century the very aristocratic Fabii , who had so far been known as experts in the Etruscan language and in Etruscan affairs , decided to turn to Greek language and art and to diplomacy in the Hellenic world .
7 In the western United States travellers encountered the native Americans , the Indians who had so often been dispossessed of their lands and livelihoods by the railway companies .
8 It was Esther Ward , the mother who had never really been a mother .
9 If Churchill recommended Ramsey to the new young Queen who had never before been confronted with the situation , and the Queen asked the archbishops whether they objected , they could not say that they did .
10 The newspaper-reading public — and the television audience of some 40 million who had never before been treated to live pictures from the Californian coast — revelled in the pictures of Gromyko and his polish and Czech ‘ wrecking crew ’ ( as John Foster Dulles put it ) who complained , harangued , sulked and finally walked out as amendment after amendment was defeated by the other conferees .
11 But the danger of a centre party came not from McKenna but from the Unionist ex-Coalitionists , led by Austen Chamberlain , who had twice previously been Chancellor , and who , if he was to be brought back into the fold , would clearly require some substantial offer .
12 Others were banished , including Eadwig , " king of the ceorls " , who had quite likely been the leader of a peasant rising .
13 Lydia , who had quite often been subjected to this experience , twigged at once .
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