Example sentences of "who had [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Others present included Lord David Cecil , who had lately come back to Oxford to teach English Literature at New College , and Adam Fox , the college chaplain .
2 And Senator Eagleton , who had successfully brought in a reclassification amendment so that amphetamine would be more tightly controlled , stated , when he saw the amendment subsequently overturned : ‘ when the chips are down , the power of the drug companies was simply more compelling than any appeal to the public welfare ’ ( p. 53 ) .
3 With such thoughts bringing peace to my troubled , weary being I sank gently into sleep , to dream of the happiness to be found among the galaxy 's wonders by someone who had just become immeasurably rich …
4 Among friends who had come to wish her further success were Mr Bernard Leser the head of Condé Nast in America , who had just flown in ; Earl and Countess Alexander of Tunis , the Hon.
5 A radio ham called Tony and an ambulance driver who had just picked up a man with bandaged fingers who was suffering from exposure .
6 It was a programme about the ( then ) proposed orbital cities , and even boasted an interview with a very youthful Ewan Famber , who had just passed out from the Tech-Green High College weighed down with honours and acclamations .
7 It must have been legal , ’ said the Archdeacon , who had just caught up with the conversation .
8 Breeze wondered why his righteous indignation did not prompt him to offer his seat to one of the women who had just got in , clutching a shopping-basket with one hand and a baby with the other .
9 Paul and Miranda Gunn had their charming young family to help them look after the guests ; their two sons Mr Munro Gunn who works at John D. Wood , and Mr Marcus Gunn who had just got home from Paris , where is working at the Paris Business School ; also their two daughters Miss Petronella Gunn , who is studying at Bristol University ; and seventeen-year-old Miss Rosie Gunn , who is a member of the Junior British Eventing team , and last year competed at Lausanne , where she won the award for the highest placed British rider .
10 And then she saw to her amazement that the man who had just climbed down from the cab was knocking on her door .
11 Boosted by the appearance of Chris Wilkinson , who had just returned home after gruelling 5 month tour of the Far East and Australasia , Hampshire went on to their historical achievement with some sterling doubles ' performances by the whole team .
12 A Dessie Edgar corner was neatly side-footed home in 79 minutes by Victor Welch who had just come on as a sub .
13 They were the weavers followed by a few tottering sailors who had just come out of another tavern .
14 There was nothing visible downstairs where we were , so immediately went up the stairs at the side to the production level where the blast had come from , and there we met a group of people who had just come out of the control room and they were cut and suffering from shock 'cos the blast had obviously well it d nearly blown the control room apart .
15 It 'll change as you get older erm you wo n't necessarily just have that all the time we used to run these courses for students who had just come out of college and they were joining their company to work for the first first time and we used to do this and we used to find that many of the people who had just taken out the job for the first time had very very flat scores .
16 Today by some bonus of chance they were being left there to enjoy it and had not been interrupted with a call for tea or to go for a swim with Dad who had just come home .
17 ONLY a dealer who had just come back from a weekend in the Kalahari desert would have been surprised to hear of yesterday 's agreed £337.6m bid by MB Group for Caradon , the Twyfords and Everest building products group , so comprehensive has been the pre-match publicity .
18 When she had finished she turned to Nara , who had just come back with the things she needed and was peering round the door , as if he was too scared of her magic to come right in .
19 At last week-end 's ICA conference , the film generated a single comment , from a producer on Channel 4 's Out series , Claire Beavan , who had just come back from America where she was making a programme about Hollywood homophobia .
20 Brown Owl called out anxiously to Mr. Gordon , who had just come down to the gate leading into the Brownies ' meadow .
21 ‘ I wonder if it 's that Jack the Ripper , ’ she laughed , and followed Dad out to the shed , leaving me with Liza who had just come in .
22 He turned and the girl who had just come in let out a little scream .
23 He turned to John Scales who had just come in .
24 ‘ He must have powerful friends , ’ said Georgiades , who had just limped in off the streets ; not injured but footsore .
25 At Festival time 1983 , Fania Williams , who had just taken over the Tron in Glasgow , asked me if I was interested in fairy tales .
26 In 1911 he returned to railway service as personal assistant to ( Sir ) H. Nigel Gresley [ q.v. ] , who had just taken over from Ivatt on the Great Northern railway .
27 It 'll change as you get older erm you wo n't necessarily just have that all the time we used to run these courses for students who had just come out of college and they were joining their company to work for the first first time and we used to do this and we used to find that many of the people who had just taken out the job for the first time had very very flat scores .
28 However , what all three painters learnt from Cubism , largely through Delaunay , was the means of organizing a canvas in terms of interacting and transparent facets or planes , which could be made to suggest movement and depth , while preserving the unity of the picture-plane ; Chagall , another painter whose work was known and admired in Germany , and who had also flirted briefly with both Cubism and Orphism , acknowledged a [ 31 ] similar debt to Cubist painting .
29 When he arrived he got talking with someone of about his age , who had also run away from home .
30 Cranston asked , winking good-humouredly at the maid who had also hurried down to see who was at the door .
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