Example sentences of "who had [verb] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In the early years of this century its study was dominated by a man of great learning and erudition , Sir George Macdonald , who had conducted his own excavations .
2 No , Crawford , that was the name of the host ; she could distinctly remember Justin mentioning it before they 'd arrived here ; it was his wife who had invited them all — well , not all of them exactly , just Justin — ‘ Because she likes them young , ’ Justin had informed them , as they 'd piled into his old banger of a car .
3 And for Jack Henry Moore , who had made his own commitment to sexual politics by coming out years before , the subject was now part of his past .
4 A man who had turned his own son out of the house was not exactly comfortable as a father-in-law .
5 The old Gina , the one who had guarded her own virginity as if it had been her sole worth , would have awakened from the experience ashamed and remorseful .
6 He wound his window down and thought momentarily of his brother-in-law , Eddie Kruger , who had taught him all the conversational German he knew .
7 Was it perhaps he who had taught her all those words ?
8 ( Who had taught her these words ?
9 She welcomed her mother 's suggestion of Dudley Poplak , a discreet South African-born interior designer who had furnished her own homes .
10 Finally , to show she did not hate the woman who had caused her such bitterness , she replanted the flowers herself , and cleaned the muddy gravestone , so that the words could be read clearly .
11 At the time of Charles taking his crown , the Saracens were ruled by Abd ar-Rahman the Ommeyad , who had declared his own state independent of the main Abbaside caliphate in 755 .
12 Blake suspected that he was not the first person who had asked himself that question or had come to the same irrational conclusion .
13 She had seen me on television and remembered the skinny little boy , Linford Christie , who had asked her all those questions on a flight from Kingston twenty-one years earlier .
14 She wondered who had sent them all .
15 As we approached the loch , in order to impress Blair with my vast knowledge , I repeated Stan 's tale about Pennel Point , being careful not to mention who had given me such valuable information .
16 On the day the telegram arrived from Southern Ferries , a close friend who had given me much encouragement now began to question my continuing any further .
17 She saw her work laid out there in the garden , all the muscled cold wet harshness of it ; all the labour and the ingrained resistance to working , and she thanked her mother , who had given her this thing .
18 It was Mark who had persuaded her to approach the bank for a loan , Mark who had suggested her old friend Linda George , who had graduated in business studies at the same time that Theresa had finished her fashion degree , should join forces with her to organise the commercial side , Mark who had given her enough confidence in herself for her to allow her mother to put up her house as security — something Theresa had fought against even whilst realising there was no other way to secure the loan she needed .
19 It was unfair to drop players who had given their all against West Indies and to bring in others against Sri Lanka .
20 Then , for the first time in three decades , Mr Wolski had reached out his hands and touched the eagle he had loved and who had given him such comfort for so long .
21 General Orsborn recognised both him and the young Australian who had given him such a memorable welcome to her homeland .
22 I have never forgotten that near the end of his life my Father told me that in his loneliness Basil was the one of his five children who had given him most sympathy and understanding .
23 This brought in Bailey , who had recorded his own pair in Trinidad .
24 Yes , but Omi had n't , Erika thought , she had not forgotten that handsome officer who had courted her all those inconceivable years ago .
25 He was excellent at charming wardrobe ladies , new young chorus members straight from music school , and surly , battered old musicians in the orchestra pit who had seen it all before .
26 He surveyed the encompassing scene in the cool , calm and collected manner of someone who had seen it all before .
27 In front of them , about twenty yards away , he had seen a barbed-wire fence some three feet high which an old corporal told him had already cost a thousand lives of those who had done nothing more than erect it .
28 I made one stipulation only to the Foreign Secretary , Sir Alec Douglas-Home , which was that my driver should not be the same amiable young man who had led me such a dance around Johannesburg .
29 ‘ Such as ? ’ asked Julia , who had had her own doubts for some time .
30 Creggan turned to Minch , who had watched it all as well .
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