Example sentences of "who have [vb pp] this [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With some justification Dr Grassi , who has studied this particular recruitment , has concluded that at this time ‘ the road to Westminster passed through York ’ .
2 Now , who has planted this thick hedge of crimson roses in all this dark , green , luxuriant foliage with , oh , what cruel thorns ?
3 Trembling with anger he said : ‘ Someone out there must know who has committed this terrible crime .
4 ‘ And let's have a round of applause for Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke who has provided this splendid feast for us .
5 A friend of both of them , who has watched this unhappy saga unfold over the last decade , now concedes : ‘ I am sorry for the tragedy of it all .
6 Being Mario , that brought to mind his mother crying back in the camps because there was n't enough food to put on the table , and that led to considerations of the importance of the family in his life , of the value of tradition , thoughts of how Italian he was as well as American , of the kind of clean life America had offered , of his gratitude , of his feeling for his father who 'd made this giant move at such cost to himself , who had suffered so long and who now saw some chance for his kids of bettering themselves .
7 Despite its eulogistic tone Oldershaw 's memory seems more credible than E. C. Bentley 's half-humorous , half-invented sketch of Thomas aged sixteen during his first half-year at St. Paul 's : ‘ It was Walker [ Frederick Walker , the High Master ] too , who had made this possible by clearing the ‘ History Eighth ’ , the first recruits to which included my friend Oldershaw and myself , soon to be joined by an exceptionally reserved and quiet boy who usually had in his pocket a rat or so , and a few snakes , which he would shut in his desk with books , and occasionally peep at stealthily — Edward Thomas the poet . ’
8 I was not the only one who had made this uncomfortable observation .
9 The defence given by some of those who had authorised this unparalleled act of iconoclasm in modern England , while clearly sincere , points to the narrow perspectives that had allowed the events to occur .
10 Just for a second , for one brief surprising second , the old man admitted to himself that it was he who had created this pitiful excuse for a man , and his conscience , that bothersome thing which he had buried long ago , rose to haunt him .
11 Others I met included , who had organised this splendid day in conjunction with , who live at nearby Fonmon Castle , in South Glamorgan ; , who is secretary of the Cirencester Polo Club , and his charming wife who is such a good time keeper and was going to time the match later .
12 By good fortune it had been the manager himself who had effected this particular transaction , and who remembered the occasion reasonably clearly .
13 Like his friend ( and the undergraduate Darwin 's scientific hero ) the physicist John Herschel ( 1792–1871 ) , Lyell followed earlier writers , most notably the Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid ( 1710–1796 ) , who had drawn this moral from the superior evidential credentials of the Newtonian gravitational force over the Cartesian ethereal vortices : any causes invoked in an explanatory theory should , ideally , be known to exist through direct observation independently of the facts they are supposed to explain .
14 Another Lioniser then proposed a toast to the memory of Mr John Chipperfield , who had died this very week , one of the last known models for a Charles Dickens character : ‘ Lamps ’ of Mugby Junction was no more .
15 But no , she was sure it was Queen Victoria , personally , who had spread this grey fog over Britain from which we 've never recovered .
16 Peter Yeo , who had known this particular juggernaut since he had his first small factory and two stores and dirt under his fingernails from shifting packing-cases personally , was not fazed by the question .
17 The Socialists who have ruled this left-leaning country since 1982 have drifted right .
18 Those who have survived this horrible , horrible illness , in fact , have often lost vital organs , have been left with a legacy that will last for their lives .
19 Those who have absorbed this cultural tradition by long association with the extreme right , are not likely to discard easily the assumptions of their political ideology .
20 Please help us to bring the men who have made this astonishing decision back to their senses before all is lost .
21 We turn now to those who have had this specific concern .
22 Who 's switched this front light off ?
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