Example sentences of "who have [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The work explores , sometimes very poignantly , an investigation of the emotions of one who has been progressively deaf from the age of four , and who lost his mother at the age of two .
2 The Minister is aware that when I received that letter I immediately tabled a question on the matter , and had subsequent correspondence with her fellow Under-Secretary of State , who has been most helpful and concerned .
3 Jeanne Tripplehorn — who you may care to remember , rather laughably , was the one who ‘ dun it ’ in ‘ Basic Instinct ’ — is McDeere 's wife , while Holly Hunter , who has been rather quiet of late , turns up as a lovesick secretary .
4 Tom Polacheck , of the US NMFS , who has been closely involved with the harbour porpoise entanglement problem , believes that the incidental taking of harbour porpoise is an example of the problems that face both the marine scientist and society , in that both marine animals and commercial fisheries are highly valued and represent issues of concern to various segments of society .
5 ‘ Unfortunately I can not join you , because I am expecting a very old friend of my family , who has been here all these years , ’ she said .
6 The last section of the book is devoted to a description of what has been achieved with the telescope and is dedicated to John Bolton , who has been largely responsible for the dish 's successful operation .
7 Mrs Hughes used lip-reading , speaking , finger-spelling and British Sign Language to help Mr Robson , who has been partially deaf since he was three .
8 This book is for Ear'ole , who has been as enthusiastic about my shop as she has been about all the other things that I have tackled , and then begged her to help with .
9 He makes a face like a little boy who has been very bad .
10 Some of the best are designed and manufactured by John Gorman who has been very interested in the Alexander Technique for many years .
11 However , a move to Besiktas , where he would earn big money , would prolong his Liverpool connection , for they are coached by ex-Reds midfielder Gordon Milne , who has been highly successful since joining the club .
12 But she still laboured under the apprehension that she had to prove herself better than a famous opponent who has been more successful than any other English singles player of the decade .
13 Strangely for one who has been so successful , Charlie has never been inundated by offers from English trainers , although no doubt this is in the process of changing following those Cheltenham wins .
14 Atkinson said : ‘ It 's a blow to lose someone like Shaun , who has been so impressive for us . ’
15 And it is their Derrida , the nihilist or joker , who has been so influential in literature departments .
16 ‘ She is unable to give an interview to someone who has been so rude to her , ’ he told Groom curtly , but agreed to furnish her himself with the few facts she needed .
17 I hope that this excellent measure will receive not only the assent of the House but the strong support of everyone who has been so concerned about this issue during 1991 .
18 In our day and age , can you think of someone who has been so full of the Spirit that he 's had the courage to preach even when his own life was at stake ?
19 The second is that the name of the person who has been so generous to you must remain a secret , until that person chooses to tell you .
20 We have Prunella Clough who has been so neglected .
21 In addition the fascists threatened ‘ to oppose Vyvyan Adams , the Tory MP for West Leeds , who has been so active in the House of Commons in asking questions re the Fascists . ’
22 Let us take an example of someone who is now thirty-five years old and who has been somewhat overweight , say between 15 and 30 lb , for at least ten years .
23 The reluctance to write about sex is curious in a writer who has been gleefully unreticent on the demands and delinquencies attending other forms of physical exertion .
24 Not that her cousin 's health had relapsed , or anything like that , but her mood had communicated itself to the twins , who 'd been particularly fractious and difficult .
25 The idea of pursuing a solo career had been in Sharon Shannon 's mind for a long while — but now the time was right she already had a seminal piece of super session recording under her belt and now , with John Dunford — who 'd been centrally involved with The Waterboys throughout their Irish sojourn as sound and recording engineer — in charge of production , she got to work on her solo album .
26 And when I was when I got to New York , I was met by two first cousins from two different families er Bert who 's er er nephew of my my mother 's sister Laura Anne in in New York , and another one , William who 'd been very successful vice president of or something .
27 Didi , who 'd been so pleasant to her face and so vitriolic behind her back .
28 Even if she said so herself , she was barely recognisable as the young woman who 'd been so distraught just a short while ago .
29 There are few people I think who 've been rather surprised at the amount concerned .
30 We did , however , feel it was necessary to go and look at the because we are very aware of , of , of the lighting that affects those properties who 've been very patient with the amount of development that 's gone on there .
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