Example sentences of "who be in [noun prp] for " in BNC.

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1 I am with my mother , stepfather and half brother who are in London for a week .
2 To help visitors who are in Zurich for the first time , the tourist office has worked out four planned itineraries .
3 The exercise was observed by more than 200 experts from all over Spain who were in Barcelona for a conference .
4 We asked a random selection of women who were in Darlington for market day to tell us how old they were .
5 ‘ Against us , Wales played him to the hilt , but then again the Scots themselves have never been slow to play to the referee , ’ states Best who is in Scotland for coaching sessions with five schools ( Madras , Morrison 's , Watson 's , Berwickshire High and Glasgow High ) and Edinburgh University last night , all arranged by his firm , Rugby Travel .
6 I AM a member of the Russian Convoy Club ( sometimes known as The Snowdrops , I believe , because of our white berets ) who was in Liverpool for the commemoration events .
7 FA chief Graham Kelly , who was in Spain for England 's friendly , will fly home today to deal with the crisis .
8 At the request of the army the Collective State Presidency again held an extraordinary session on May 7 which was attended by Marcovic and the Kadijevic but not by Tudjman , who was in London for talks with United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd .
9 The Chinese deputy premier Li Peng , who was in Moscow for the occasion , publicly agreed that an improvement in relations was desirable ; an agreement on educational exchanges and a trade pact followed later in the year .
10 Describing the report as " shamefully inadequate " the Social Democrat delegate and others walked out and declared that they would withdraw completely if Modrow ( who was in Bulgaria for a COMECON meeting — see p. 37202 ) did not present a satisfactory report at the next session on Jan. 15 .
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