Example sentences of "who [was/were] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But when in one class he had taken the register and pronounced their names correctly , there had been some laughter from non-Indian children ( who were a minority in the class ) but floods of embarrassed giggles from Asian children , who seemed to prefer their names to be mispronounced in school .
2 The cast of Her Benny , the dancers in their beautiful costumes , the steel band , the police and dogs , the schoolboys who were a credit to their schools showing how football used to be played just for the game .
3 The exceptions were in four main areas : in the west during the first onslaughts when the khanate of Kuchum was being eliminated ; in the far north-east against the Chukchis and Karnchatkan Itelmens ( here Russian losses may not have been very severe , but the effects on the aboriginal population were catastrophic ) ; in the south-east in the struggle with the Manchus for domination of the Amur , where the Russians were beaten ; and finally in the south-west against the nomadic horsemen of the steppes who were a thorn in the Russians ' flesh for over a century .
4 I fetched more glasses and dealt some of them to the Lorrimores who were an oasis of silence in the chattering mob and paid me absolutely no attention : and from then on I felt I had indeed chosen the right role and could sustain it indefinitely .
5 dwarf of ugly appearance , a helpful divinity who was a protector against evil .
6 When someone who was a protégé of the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna , a close friend of Nikolai Miliutin , and the tutor to the heir to the throne decided to run the risk of going into print , conservatives realized that they were being subjected to a deliberate attempt on the part of reformers to prevent them from treating serfs harshly .
7 On each of these occasions , Freddie was with someone else , a spectacularly good-looking girl who was a nurse at the local hospital .
8 Thiercelin , who was a Frenchman after all , observed that her breasts were particularly fine , and the rest of her figure in proportion .
9 Let us , however , confine our attention for a while to Polybius who was a specialist in constitutional and military history and who for four centuries conditioned modern thinking about Republican Rome .
10 And by William Lovett , remember : one of that articulate elite which attended the debates at the Rotunda ; one who , knowing full well how partial , minimal and divisive the Whigs ' proposals were , was compelled by the polarisation of opinion they induced to a course of action contributing much to the great flood of support for them ; one who was a founder of the Chartist Movement formed in the wake of the Reform Act .
11 Over the next two days , Harry cycled through Zutphen and Arnhem to Eindhoven , where a cafe owner gave him coffee and rolls , and a priest , who was a friend of the cafe proprietor advised Harry who was now headed for the Dutch/Belgian border .
12 There was Emil Brunner one of the two leading Christian thinkers on the Continent of Europe ; there was Reinhold Niebuhr , one of the two leading Christian thinkers from the United States ; there was Visser t'Hooft , the Dutchman who built up the World Council of Churches ; there was J. H. Oldham , at that moment the leading thinker about Christian society in the British Isles ; and there was Bernard Manning , the Congregationalist historian who was a friend of the Ramsey family in Cambridge .
13 Christopher , who was a friend of my father 's , had the kiln brought here from my father 's workplace miles away , and said he 'd buy whatever I produced .
14 He got her in to see an agent who was a friend of Jock Lennox , and he had arranged an appointment with a producer who was sending out a show with the American Ragtime Octette and Cissie Loftus the impressionist , as well as The Ramblers , a famous juggling act , and an Australian called Pansy Montague , who toured as La Milo , an exponent of the art of living statues .
15 But while this was happening another student , who was a friend of both the dying man and myself , became convinced that God was going to heal the clergyman of his cancer .
16 To help pay the rent , we let a back room to a nervous queer with pale , bulging eyes , who was a friend of a friend .
17 I had lost my virginity to a Belgian au pair who was a friend of my eldest sister .
18 He also refers to Fairfax , he means Sir Thomas Fairfax who is still alive , you know , who was a friend of Mademoiselle Cohn-Casson .
19 I knew Max Jacob , who was a friend of his .
20 The site was off-limits to the public but the resident warden 's wife let us look around the bath-house area as a favour to our guide who was a friend of hers .
21 This does not mean separation from sinners , in a sense of isolation and self-satisfaction like the monks of Qumran ; instead , it means involvement with needy , fallen , spoiled humanity , following the example and endued with the Spirit of him who was a friend of tax gatherers and sinners .
22 If there was any sign of a rastrellamento in the neighbouring villages or in our own , a carabiniere who was a friend of the family used to cycle over and warn her .
23 ‘ If you remember , Luke Scott was with us for six months as a favour to the station 's director-general , who was a friend of his , because our listenership figures were dropping and we were losing advertising .
24 It concerns a man who was a friend of mine .
25 She was offering him the deputy to Hitler , through an intermediary who was a friend of George Vl and Winston Churchill .
26 His father had kept two sets of books — following the advice of an accountant who was a friend of a friend .
27 In the early Spring of 19231 began having Greek lessons from a charming elderly lady — Miss Rose Montague — who was a friend of my housemistress at St. Leonards .
28 She had assumed his letters were the product of his lifelong rage , the festering cancer of his childhood , driving him into unreasonable behaviour , and a tendency to see the worst in anyone who was a friend of Charles .
29 George , who was a friend of the Old Groaner for 25 years , will be talking about how Bing came to record White Christmas which became the world 's greatest hit even though Crosby was n't impressed by it at first .
30 McLean was described by the prosecution as a divorced alcoholic who was a friend of the dead woman .
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