Example sentences of "who [vb base] [prep] [det] way " in BNC.

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1 SANELINE is the first helpline for people suffering from mental illness , their families , professional helpers and those generally involved in assisting people who suffer in this way .
2 On the contrary , as we began this book by noticing , most people think that judges who act in this way are usurpers .
3 It may be possible to apply all of these to groups who contrast in some way , so facilitating a comparative analysis .
4 People who respond in this way have often had a difficult early life when they had separation forced upon them , maybe by a parent being hospitalized or going away or dying .
5 Teachers often have more problems with the concept than children : pre-school children will often play with adults , asking them to assume roles ( the shopkeeper , the bus conductor ) ; children who play in this way are used to moving in and out of role , are quite happy for an adult to be in their play one moment and to be themselves the next .
6 And Chapel was uniformly well supported because of the unswerving belief of people who live in this way that some enormous , inexplicable force shapes their destiny .
7 Pupils who start in this way may go on to take Greek within the timetable in S6 .
8 Laughter is a means of expressing judgement that is directed at the characters who fail in some way in the text .
9 The Regional Council would like to thank the following organisations for their co-operation during the design and construction of the Gilmerton Bypass : and all others who have in any way contributed to this project .
10 sentence as men youngish men not older men youngish men who behave in this way .
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