Example sentences of "who [vb past] [art] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the first hotel I worked in , I had shared an ‘ office , with one other cleaner — a taciturn alcoholic who taught me how to keep my head down — but in my new job , there were five of us who shared the same poky little room .
2 Perhaps her husband was not such a shit after all , Blanche thought , just a human being who experienced the same tangled skein of feelings as held her then .
3 PHH AllStar Ltd are advising people who used an All Star Fuel Card to purchase private fuel during the 1989/90 tax year not to pay National Insurance contributions on it until a test case which PHH is currently bringing against the Department of Social Security is decided ( p 106 ) .
4 Fleet management specialists PHH AllStar Ltd are advising people who used an All Star Fuel Card to purchase private fuel during the 1989/90 tax year not to pay National Insurance contributions on it until a test case which PHH is currently bringing against the Department of Social Security is decided .
5 Charges of high treason against the 13 defendants , who included the former Soviet Prime Minister , Defence Minister , Vice-President and Chairman of the KGB , were dropped , but they could still face the death penalty for " conspiring to seize power " .
6 That was the beginning of a series of small books of prayers spread over the next fifty years , which were prayed first and then made available for others who felt the same spiritual need as myself .
7 I saw my GP who prescribed a few different creams , none which worked .
8 But a Dissenting preacher who had no such exceptional distinction as this … was little known either to the press or to the public .
9 Rodríguez , who overthrew the former military dictator Gen. Alfredo Stroessner in Feb. 1989 [ see p. 35887 ] , was elected President on May 1 , 1989 , with 74 per cent of the vote ; on the same day in congressional elections the Colorado Party received 73 per cent of votes [ see p. 36652 ] .
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