Example sentences of "who [vb past] to be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 She shrugged and glanced at Joanna , who seemed to be getting on well with Ian Woodall .
2 The years 1908–9 were dramatic : on the lookout for spies , Jane abducted a German who seemed to be acting suspiciously in Portsmouth , and ‘ deposited him in the Duke of Bedford 's animal park ’ at Woburn .
3 The second picture , clearly designed to demonstrate the rewards of illiteracy , showed a scabby-looking native dressed in a threadbare loincloth who crouched in the mud outside a grass hut and who seemed to be sharing his lunch bowl with a baboon .
4 In my dream I was alone on an empty road , trying to remember the director 's name , when a large open-topped car drove up , full of laughing passengers who seemed to be sharing their jokes in a foreign language .
5 The man said he later went outside and saw a soldier lying on the road with others around him who seemed to be helping him or attending to him .
6 The words coming from behind her sent Lindsey Blake whirling to face the speaker , a slim , dark-haired girl of about her own age , who seemed to be regarding her with some amusement .
7 It was also observed that he was fairly cool with the little Hoflin girl , who seemed to be mooning miserably about the theatre with a pale face , even when she was n't needed .
8 The call was for Edwin Pettigrew , who seemed to be expecting it .
9 Nell sat opposite Sheridan Lorrimore who seemed to be telling her that he had wrapped his Lamborgini round a tree recently and had ordered a new one .
10 There were very few people around who seemed to be telling the truth about their past lives , and what they told you was only meant to further their self image .
11 There was an elderly woman , who might be the housekeeper , mending clothes , and two young ladies , who seemed to be learning a language with dictionaries .
12 By early November however , as the Dublin lock-out attacks against leaders of the trade unions and the Labour Party who seemed to be obstructing his plans for a general strike , not only in Dublin , but throughout Great Britain , vilifying them as " serpents whom I shall allow to raise their foul heads and spit out their poison no longer " and as having " neither soul to be saved nor body to be kicked " Almost overnight , support for Larkin turned into denunciation of his reckless methods and of his policy of attempting to bleed British unions of funds in support of sympathy strikes which seemed destined either to fail or to lead to unwanted revolution .
13 The Edinburgh student appeared too consistent and resilient for Miss Topper who seemed to be struggling with the slippery court , and she triumphed 3–6 6–1 6–3 an impressive achievement for a No. 7 seed .
14 ‘ It was all mixed up , ’ said Algernon who seemed to be appointing himself ad hoc detective .
15 After him came Murtach , who seemed to be leading the patrol ; then Ratagan , Riven and Isay , and the other seven Hearthwares with the mules .
16 ‘ My sister Thérèse , ’ he went on , pointing towards the young dark-haired woman who seemed to be compiling what looked like a list of something or other .
17 But I 'd also become disenchanted with pro-lifers who seemed to be saying that they loved my unborn baby but hated me !
18 Charlie was the one who seemed to be inspiring his contempt .
19 Debbie Raymond , who seemed to be winning a battle against breast cancer following a double mastectomy , was found dead at her home .
20 Wandering through Covent Garden a while ago I spotted a smartly dressed woman who seemed to be talking intently to her right shoulder .
21 Sally-Anne did not know of this conversation , of course , and by the next day she was her usual bouncing , energetic self , and it being Monday not only was it wash-day — oh , dear — but summer cleaning also began again , with everything being put back , and the whole place was shining and sweet-smelling , so that , Wednesday having come round , McAllister had sunk down into Dr Neil 's big armchair with a great , ‘ Phew , I 'm glad that 's all over ! ’ amusing Matey , whose soft spot for the girl who seemed to be making Dr Neil more reconciled to his lot grew greater every day .
22 " No wooden shoes " ; " No potatoes , No Popery " ; no imprisonment without trial ; liberty , freedom , and , especially , a sympathy with anyone who seemed to be making a stand against government 's inherent tendency towards arbitrary action .
23 The performances were all up , with the possible exception of Lesley-Jane Decker , who seemed to be giving a little less than usual .
24 Moin departed reluctantly after a snap catch by Smith at silly mid-off , and Mushtaq , who seemed to be standing in a hole , was caught by Hick , a competent slip catch .
25 The prosecution 's only witness on the main charge that Beattie had convened and presided over a meeting of UDA officers to plan the murders was an anonymous Special Branch detective who claimed to be reporting evidence of a paid , anonymous informer .
26 However , Cannes club captain Luis Fernandez , who claimed to be speaking with the authority of the club 's board , said : ‘ We find it unacceptable that the disciplinary committee refused to accept our evidence and that Louis Niccolin should be judge and plaintiff at the same time .
27 If there is regret over the failure of Resolution 242 as a blueprint for peace , which had seemed so promising in 1967 , there are grounds for even greater regret that the 1949 ( IVth ) Geneva Convention has not been vigorously upheld by those who claimed to be seeking a basis for peace .
28 Aldo Rico , a former lieutenant-colonel who led abortive military rebellions in 1987 and 1988 [ see pp. 35560-61 ; 36203 ] and who claimed to be representing the " dispossessed " , came an unexpected third with only 10 per cent of the vote .
29 My particular dodger , who claimed to be selling household items , became very frightened when I took his photograph through the leaded front door window .
30 He opened the back of the watch case , and Bathsheba , who happened to be looking , saw that there was a curl of hair hidden inside .
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