Example sentences of "who [vb past] [art] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , if F t > E ( S T ) a trader who sold a futures contract now and held it to delivery would expect to make a profit of F t - E ( S T ) .
2 Some were sturdy beggars , thieves and rogues but now and again you passed the honest yeomen , the skeletal , white-faced , puny children and worried , dark-eyed wives who tramped the roads looking for work .
3 His parents , Abraham and Beattie , were ordinary , respectable , middle-class Jews who owned an electrical-goods store in the town ; his grandfather , who left Russia in the 1920s , had been a peddler and a shoemaker .
4 ‘ No , more than that — a man who lacked the guts to face up to his responsibilities .
5 His demeanour however , was closer to the big businessman than the professional comedian , so there was always the lingering suspicion that he was really the benevolent boss who made the directors laugh at board meetings and probably did conjuring tricks at the weekend .
6 This fabliau makes explicit a linkage between vagina and mouth that we find implied elsewhere amongst the fabliaux : e.g. in Le Chevalier qui fist parler les cons , " The knight who made the cunts talk " , or Berengier au lonc cul , " Berengier of the long arse " , where a woman disguised as a knight makes her recreant husband kiss what seems to him to be her exceptionally long arse .
7 The fabliaux in this manuscript are Le Chevalier qui fist parler les cons , " The knight who made the cunts talk " , Les trois Dames qui troverent un vit , " The three ladies who found a prick " , Le Chevalier a la corbeille , " The knight of the basket " , and La Gageure , " The wager " .
8 I can remember at Westfield school about fifteen years ago we had an art teacher , who got the children to make an enormous thing , I think it was a Loch Ness Monster , and it went out of , out of the door of one room into another , you know , and they spent days and ages on making this thing
9 The killing was strongly condemned by Prime Minister Giuliano Amato and by President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro , who described the bombs targeted against Falcone and Borsellino as " two aggressions filled with cowardice and blood against the democratic state " .
10 I see they have made new breadpans of the right size out of empty cooking-oil cans from the US AID supplementary feeding programme — these were brought out recently by a local agency who helped the women to build a new oven .
11 These people are afghans … a few of the one million who fled the rockets raining down on the capital city , Kabul .
12 How do you measure the contribution of organizations like Canadian University Service Overseas or the Methodist Church , who bent the rules to allow us to mail their supporters with our advertising literature ? .
13 Thus Cameron Hall Developments , who built the Gates head Metro Centre , seem to have done so on borrowed money and to have sold out to the Church Commissioners , although they remain in charge of operations .
14 It was not Downing street , the Labour party or the Liberal Democrats who sired the citizens charter — it was me , at least in the parliamentary sense .
15 Tests carried out on back pain sufferers in the USA showed that 77% of those who tried the inserts said that their pain was considerably reduced after only two weeks of using the product .
16 The lady who fixed the appointments had said 6 o'clock without any messing about .
17 Apart from the various gifts of valuables and food and clothing which marked the exchanges between the principles , there were also certain standard payments in money ) which were made to the washerman who prepared the cloths used at various stages in the proceedings .
18 And who caused the holes to appear ?
19 Desperate for quiet they called police who told the old-timers to pipe down .
20 It was the utterly excellent Yahweh who told the malefactors to go to hell .
21 To avoid exaggerating this necessary aspect of the stones ( necessary because the later books are not addressed to more mature readers but to those who , feeling they really know Jack , Alick and Terence , would resent their becoming staid and solemn ) , Kingston introduced in the second book another trio of lads who filled the spaces left by the midshipmen now promoted in The Three Lieutenants , a sequel if ever there was one .
22 There we elders heard what we had despaired of hearing — a lecture on Comus which placed its importance where the poet placed it — and watched ‘ the yonge fresshe folkes he or she ’ who filled the benches listening first with incredulity , then with toleration , and finally with delight , to something so strange and new in their experience as the praise of chastity .
23 The Hintons say not everyone who fell ill ate their mushrooms ; not everyone who ate the mushrooms fell ill .
24 Only patients who fulfilled the criteria described by Isaacson et al were included .
25 But the increasing threat of air pollution and the danger caused by those farmers who ignored the rules have meant a complete ban on stubble-burning .
26 It was Tom Paine , an English radical , who encouraged the Americans to break the link with the crown and declare a republic .
27 Thanks to all of you who returned the Alumni Update questionnaires — even as I write , they are still coming in !
28 Tough it may be , but Washington is one who defied the odds to achieve world status in a sport not known for its liberal representation of blacks .
29 Those who heard the programmes read the book and a vast new audience was reached .
30 Local shopkeepers who heard the shots went to investigate .
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