Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What happened to all those budding artists who came to sign on last autumn and arrived with their brand new paint boxes and paper ?
2 A report was submitted to the Director who declined to prosecute on public interest grounds .
3 Who could fail to be stirred by the thought of such purpose , reaching back over generations to the men who had gathered on this spot two centuries before ?
4 It was in the summer of 1959 that a man with untidy hair , a crumpled suit and pens clipped to his outside breast pocket , looking like a schoolmaster who had fallen on hard times , boarded a plane at London Airport for East Berlin .
5 She was not impressed when her spouse informed her there was a member of the gentry below , for the only visitors of that sort to frequent her humble hostelry were those who had fallen on evil times .
6 It was going even further , in asking for authority to accede to Ivanovitch 's demand that Yugoslavs " NOT in Austria " ( ie in Italy ) , " including Chetniks " ( such as the 11,000 under Damjanovitch who had surrendered on 3 May ) should also be handed over .
7 My friend of the South coast of England days , a Corporal Chauvet , informed me in his usual quiet manner that the two Troops of French Commandos , numbering almost two-hundred men , who had landed on 6th June were now , due to casualties , down to about sixty-seven men .
8 Varied and nutritional meals were becoming prohibitively priced for large sections of the student body who had to survive on steamed buns , noodles and low-quality meat and vegetables , and that too usually in very small quantities .
9 In addition , as the efficacy of a drug can only be assessed accurately when viewed within the context of the associated placebo response , we also calculated the difference between the estimated proportion of patients who had relapsed on each treatment at 26 , 38 , 51 , and 55 weeks , together with the 95% confidence interval for this difference .
10 During the past 10 months of follow up this patient , who had bled on 11 occasions over the previous six months , has not required further admission with recurrent haemorrhage .
11 During the Autumn Term of 1981 a Memorial Service was held for Mr. A. Johnston , who had died on 22nd July .
12 Had it been the director with a retained shareholding of 30 shares who had died on 31 December 1986 , his estate too would have had the benefit of business assets relief , but at a lower percentage deduction .
13 Alyssia hesitantly walked in , and almost immediately saw her friend by the cash register , looking with interest at a couple of oldish women who had put on some very garish dresses and were inspecting themselves in the mirror .
14 A large venture capital organisation , who refused to comment on individual headhunter performance , wrote that on the whole good candidates had been put forward , but that they would not know if there had been any leaks or illegal use of information by search firms .
15 The local labour movement was split between those who wanted to intervene politically to support members of the skilled manual working class and those who wanted to act on financial grounds and not intervene in a declining enterprise .
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