Example sentences of "who [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , he was keen to be among the extras who despairingly crowded the rail as the ship went down — keen , you could say , to undergo in fiction an alternative version of history .
2 The cast of characters is evidence enough of the approach : a fashionable young baronet intended by his ambitious politician uncle to marry the Princess of Lystria ; an exiled king running a fashionable London restaurant ; two pretty dancers , one royal and one plebeian ; a curate on holiday who strikingly resembles the baronet — with such components , the square dance performed through Central Europe is both neat and exciting .
3 Yet by the time the invasion neared he was one of the inner-most group of five Ministers — with Eden , Lloyd , Macmillan and Head [ who had replaced Monckton as Minister of Defence ] ( plus Mountbatten , the Chief of Staff ) — who effectively took the decision to issue an ultimatum to Egypt and Israel .
4 Though the group which dominated the executive board of the National Association tended to be drawn from the secularist , radical circles of the metropolis , the women and men who effectively led the repeal movement came from the same provincial backgrounds which sustained many other mid-century reform groups .
5 THE Mirror is not about to be sold , the man who effectively controls the Mirror Group said yesterday .
6 After 1911 Manchuria fell under the domination of the warlord , Zhang Zuolin , who effectively controlled the territory until 1928 .
7 It 's very weird to see yourself ; looking in the mirror is not the same thing as seeing yourself three-dimensionally , which is very , very peculiar , ’ says Howard , who politely declined the chance to take his effigy home at the end of filming .
8 But amongst the fakes , obsessives and lunatics , was there perhaps a man who instinctively knew the route to the Imajica ?
9 144 ‘ Artificial lesbianism ’ , as opposed to ‘ true ’ homosexuality of the ‘ congenital invert ’ , was condemned as the product of a culture which segregated the sexes and manufactured perverts out of women who instinctively preferred the love of a man .
10 It was , though , his rather better known colleague at Caltech , Linus Pauling , who proposed that the principle to adopt was that of structures that maximise the number of so-called hydrogen bonds between different amino acids in the polypeptide chain ( and who thereby forged the key which very rapidly unlocked molecular biology ) .
11 Fenella , who rather liked the look of the Gnomes , thought they were a bit like careful children , diligently remembering their manners , sprinkling their conversation with ‘ please ’ and ‘ thank you ’ , and with things like , ‘ I 'll trouble you for the jam pot , your honour ’ , or ‘ after you with the tomato chutney , your worship ’ .
12 This had to involve the person who most wanted the situation to change , as well as the elderly person and other relevant people .
13 It was they who most resented the contempt of factory management , the humiliation of public examination for venereal diseases , the lack of privacy in the lavatories , the insecurity of their jobs , the degradation of their living quarters .
14 Consequently , Reagan , in looking for support from conservative Republicans , ran up against the reality that many of those same people felt bound by obligations to Nixon , who duly won the nomination on the first ballot at the Convention .
15 They drew , too , upon illegal literature put out by clandestine presses within Russia , and upon the legally published works of social critics who skilfully circumvented the censor , the most influential being the journalist N.G. Chernyshevsky .
16 Since the , there have been hints of enthusiasm in certain quarters for the wristy genius Mushtaq Ahmed ( who eventually got the nod — ED . ) .
17 His downfall came five years later and the new owners were the Denison family who eventually took the name of the village for their title .
18 The part of Susan , though , went through a lot of casting before Verity Lambert arrived at Carole Ann Ford , including the auditioning of juvenile actress Jackie Lane , who eventually landed the part of Dodo Chaplet some years later .
19 It was , however , City 's Ian Brown who eventually scored the match winner , but his success was due to the one slip of the game made by goalkeeper Rowe .
20 In this regard , the presence of members of the coordinating committee was resented by some members , even though it was a member of that team who eventually filled the vacuum and gave some sort of leadership .
21 ‘ It would n't be fair to the actress who eventually gets the part .
22 She became involved with a married man , who eventually ended the affair — but ten years later , Jessica was still convinced that , one day , he would realise that he loved her , arrive at her door with a ring and they would live happily ever after .
23 This empire was also destroyed by the Spanish colonists who eventually captured the capital , Cuzco , in 1533 .
24 Nobody spoke for a while and it was Sarah who eventually broke the silence .
25 Beer-swilling tomboy Idgie ( Mary Stuart Masterston ) and genteel , god-fearing Ruth ( Mary Louise Parker ) are unlikely pals who eventually open the Whistlestop Cafe .
26 But they are no longer the hard men who unofficially run the prison .
27 I shall be surprised if Yorkshire 's improvement under the luckless Martyn Moxon does not continue and amazed if Sachin Tendulkar does not convince even those who bitterly resent the idea of an overseas player .
28 The history of Test matches is not without opening batsmen who successfully carried the attack to the enemy .
29 However , if those who successfully gain the top , with or without the burden of living-room furniture , feel blessed with the exhilaration and wonder of their surroundings then I am happy for them , and glad they are able to share an emotion I regularly enjoy on the hills .
30 During this time , the dealer had hired a lawyer who successfully claimed the picture back from the Gemäldegalerie ; relations were strained between East and West Germany , and , according to the dealer , ‘ There was no interest from the DDR ’ .
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