Example sentences of "who [modal v] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the two competing public interests in employment cases are : ( a ) a person should be held to his promise ; and ( b ) every person should be free to exercise his skill and experience to the best advantage of himself and of those who may want to employ him ( see Lord Atkinson in Morris ( Herbert ) v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 ) .
2 And er , we 'll be a part , I know as councillors , Labour councillors we are caught in a trap because due the financial constraint that the government has placed upon us there is very little we could do but , oh I 'll get I I er crumbs of comfort from the speculators who may decide to give us a few social housing .
3 And I 'm just wondering what the the knock on effect of that is in the visiting of the , the members who ca n't get into church and who ca n't receive communion in church , and who may like to receive it in their home , or in the home , where they live .
4 Those of you who have already said you will go — and any others who may wish to join them — I will talk to privately later .
5 As more people choose to enjoy the horse for leisure and sporting activities , the Event will bring together everyone with a serious interest and involvement in horses , and those with the land and resources who may wish to utilise them for a new equine business .
6 ‘ We urgently appeal to anybody who may have seen it during the 48 hours in which it was missing to contact us . ’
7 They appeal to anyone who may have seen it should get in touch .
8 This was a strong finish , though , from a singer who may have felt she had something to prove after a disappointing debut with her current trio in Edinburgh last year .
9 Many of the prominent citizens , when their origins can be traced , were drawn from the lesser landed class , who may have given them moral or financial support .
10 In October , she and the baby moved to London to join her former boyfriend , Danny Palmer , also then 16 , who may have thought he was the father .
11 Not to mention our hospitaller who may have told us a pack of lies . ’
12 There is a reference during the mid-16th century to the mill being held from the manor by Johannis Berry , who may have worked it as a fulling mill .
13 Mary Leapor would have been known if not to Susanna Jennens , then to other members of the Blencowe family who may have recommended her .
14 If you 're thinking about improving your lifestyle , do n't be put off by a well-meaning person who may try to get you to change your mind — especially on or around the 19th .
15 The colleague who ought to have received it received only my accompanying note .
16 So anyway I put in for this job and and there were people who who ought to have got it before me , er for instance er there was a councillor at er at , Tom , did you know Tom ?
17 Also , had it been in the first instance the officers of Albinus , there was a need to consider the townspeople since it was they who must have supported him for his bid for the purple on the expectancy of rich return on his success .
18 Adam it was who made up the fires of a morning , when his mistress , who slept only fitfully at night , was already awake , Adam who crept noiselessly about the place , unnoticed , who must have seen them together last night outside the ballroom .
19 ‘ You did n't know that he acquired them through his wife who must have got them while she was housekeeper-companion to Mrs Armitage ? ’
20 The people upstairs who must have got it .
21 Then out to his bed in a loft over the cowshed , leaving the family to draw in together in a cosy , alien-excluding unit around the flaming and hissing timber , to lie and smoke by the light of a candle and think o better days in the orphanage and wonder in unembittered fashion — for he had been happy there — about the mother who had abandoned him and the even shadowier lover who must have abandoned her .
22 With just the aid of a walking stick he had made his way to the Blue Boar followed by most of the kids in the village , who must have thought he was some sort of God .
23 PAMELA : Sir , I am so well satisfied with Mr. Belville 's affection for me and his well-known honour that I can not think myself obliged to any gentleman who should endeavour to give me a less opinion of either .
24 And I who should have healed it severed it . ’
25 Research by London Weekend Television , however , has shown that light ITV viewers , who can be expected to see a given commercial very few times , are just as likely to recognize it as those who should have seen it several times .
26 How many had been beggared while the war between the royal cousins had swept across their fields or through their towns , while the barons who should have protected them looked only to their own gain , shifting loyalties so often that the ordinary common man found himself constantly besieged and attacked by both sides ?
27 These should be fully understood and accepted by the subordinate ; tasks should be assigned to the subordinate who should agree to do them ;
28 On the other side , men of letters have so few opportunities of applying themselves to the general practice that the rules they lay down , however plausible they may seem in the closet , would often ruin the honest gardener who should venture to follow them .
29 Operating in sections it 's corporals and below who if they are to encoutner problems it 's those sort of ranks who 'll have to fix it .
30 Who might want to lead it ?
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