Example sentences of "who [be] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not clear to what degree the kinship defenders would want to preserve the link with biological parents who are in no way the psychological parents as well — that is , how much they value the blood tie as such .
2 We have been trying to focus in this study on those people within the enterprise who are in a position to effect strategic change ( or to maintain the status quo in the face of destabilising influences ) .
3 The net result of this state of affairs is that there exist citadels of private economic power ( Unger , 1983 ) — that is , relatively small groups of people who are in a position to control the basic terms of collective prosperity by making crucial decisions about investment and deployment of capital .
4 The first such study was conducted by Break in 1956 and covered 306 self-employed lawyers and accountants in England — two groups of professionals who are in a position to vary their work effort , and who are also liable to high rates of taxation because of their high incomes .
5 Finding a suitable firm for articles can present problems if you have no friends or relatives who are in a position to help .
6 In this article , Ross acknowledges the current pressures upon arts education are such that it would be unwise for any arts teacher to declare ‘ UDI ’ from the examination system , hence his decision to aim his argument against examinations in the arts at headteachers , who are in a position to remove the arts from this form of damaging restriction by placing them within a protected , and non-examined core .
7 The publisher had made a decision , no doubt on sound commercial information , about the viability of the book as a course text and decided it should have a more restricted clientele who are in a position to buy a large-format , expensive paperback .
8 At the end of the research , the investigator will report on the survey and interviews to policy makers and others who are in a position to make recommendations for improved teacher training and career development .
9 He said : ‘ I urge all those who are in a position to do so to use their influence on the men of violence from both sides of the community to end their murderous activities , and to create the only basis on which an enduring peace can be established . ’
10 Insiders are those workers who are currently employed and who are in a position to exercise considerable muscle in the wage bargaining process owing to the major discontinuity between the skills possessed by insiders and the skills possessed by outsiders .
11 It is worth pondering , too , on the ‘ losers ’ Clegg identifies ; those workers outside the core labour market who are in a sense paying for the benefits Japanese organizations derive .
12 I do not blame those involved in the development corporation , particularly the five council members who are in a minority on the board .
13 The operational effect is rather narrow ; it operates on a limited group of people who are in a state of physical decline .
14 Exposed to elderly people who are in a state of acute or chronic physical illness , mental incapacity and increasing dependence , it is not surprising that nurses believe all elderly people experience the same decline . ’
15 A case has been made for brief admission of patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric disorders , but who are in a state of particularly severe crisis .
16 I hope you do n't mind but I believe my own dog would not appreciate the goodies as much as those who are in the kennels .
17 There must be quite a number of members from the university who are in the chorus .
18 Lotus sees Improv coexisting with 1-2-3 but serving the needs of users who are in the no-man 's land between spreadsheets and financial modelling .
19 In Year One the students work in Infant schools with children who are in the middle of the age range ( 5–7 year olds ) — The students are introduced to three aspects of language .
20 Curve , who are in the middle of a nationwide tour , have just released a new single Fait Accompli .
21 That will substantially help those who are in the circumstances that the hon. Gentleman mentions .
22 Alternately alarmed and exalted by Barry Fox 's reports of the progress of CD ( we who are in the know call it that ) I have therefore been following the advertisements of equipment to play CD records .
23 Sunderland , incidentally , have arranged an inter-track meeting at Wembley on Friday , May 10 , the eve of the FA Cup Final , and are hoping that they will have the support of Roker fans who are in the capital that night .
24 Strange said : " Athletes who are in the public eye have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner which can set a positive example .
25 Perhaps the 10 hon. Members who are in the Chamber could receive the pay of the other 640 .
26 … to seek for Christ 's sheep that are dispersed abroad , and for his children who are in the midst of this naughty world , that they may be saved through Christ for ever .
27 Shoe manufacturers , who are in the business of selling shoes rather than repairing old ones , understandably guard such items jealously .
28 But for a committee of aristocratic do-gooders , who are in the business of saving children from violence and abuse , to summarily dismiss a massive cash injection on the flimsy grounds of taste suggests they should n't be in a life-and-death business but rather running their local Girl Guides or church fete toffee-apple stalls .
29 Set for next Thursday afternoon in the Chamber 's Old Hall Street conference room , the seminar will include a party of East German managers who are in the area on language and business training courses .
30 They have much more to say on less apocalyptic matters , such as the treatment of persons who are in the hands of the adversary .
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