Example sentences of "her own [noun sg] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Marianne took a cursory glance at her own reflection and pursed her lips disgustedly .
2 Audrey , a lively girl ( previously the leader of her own gang and described in the book as a ‘ misfit ’ ) , develops as a decidedly sympathetic character and elicits mainly admiration from the reader .
3 With the short notice Lesley was unprepared for this event , having been on holiday the previous 2 weeks , and was disappointed in her own performance but enjoyed it as an international event .
4 She cringed at the sound of her own voice and took a breath .
5 However , Essex Coroner Dr Malcolm Weir said there was no evidence to suggest 20-year-old Naomi Martin had intended to take her own life and recorded an ‘ Open verdict ’ .
6 Minutes later , feeling suddenly totally exhausted by all the nervous tension of the past few hours , Shiona kissed the already sleeping Kirsty goodnight , then climbed into her own bunk and closed her eyes .
7 A more likely explanation is that Brooke-Rose was flattered by her own wit and allowed it to determine her style of narration .
8 She seemed to think that it was her own child and showed signs of distress when Carrie took the baby from her .
9 This was the second disappointment for my mother , who prided herself on her own intelligence and wanted her children to succeed academically , because she felt it would be the only way we could be successful in life , there being no money at home .
10 Brewing Nescafé on her own gas-ring and buying solitary quarter pounds of cheese for herself ; and painting one wall geranium red and another cornflower blue and the others white , as she wanted to do at home but her mother would not let her .
11 She was now a companion and friend rather than a nursemaid and domestic servant ; she prepared herself to run her own household and developed her skills as a needlewoman .
12 She kept , it was said , her own household and ruled her own fiefs , and although her name had never been linked with any man Alexei knew of , marriage to her was not a prospect which he thought he would be able to face with equanimity .
13 This was not Phoebe 's place and she knew quite simply that tomorrow morning she would go to see her own GP and organize the necessary hospital visit .
14 But she looked back to her own childhood and wondered where she had got the idea that she knew what a normal family would be like .
15 Lady Anson , 51 , who keeps her own name though married to Sir Geoffrey Shakerley , ( sp OK ) has a Staffordshire country retreat , Shugborough Hall .
16 She certainly did not live in the shadow of John ; she was her own person and deserved to be described as more than a widow .
17 They had not even let her keep her own loneliness but had intruded on it .
18 He kept her prisoner in her own home and threatened to electrocute her on a sunbed and burn her with an iron .
19 They moved into a second floor flat , so Dawn now had to run her own home and travel to work each day .
20 Lee turned her head away , looked down at her own navel and tried not to think about her mother .
21 Vicky left IMG to make her own mark and has been steadily building up a quality client list .
22 Did her own work and did n't expect me to clear up after her .
23 diplomatic rather than strident and wanting her own way and doing it in a very obvious way .
24 Go her own way and enjoy life .
25 In 1898 Emma , Lady Sherborne , converted the Lodge into her dower house , built two little lodges to herald its and her own grandeur and to house her staff , destroyed the staircase and made the two long rooms into four apartments .
26 The dog safely delivered to his still sleeping mistress , who did not stir when he sneaked on to her bed , Theda sought the privacy of her own chamber and broke the seal of Benedict 's note .
27 So then , with no better grace and without even a passing thought for Josie 's safety , Lucy pinned back her own hair and began to carry out the makeup job that she 'd undergone so many times before .
28 When he eventually introduced himself , she politely told him that she would rather pay her own bill and had enough money to do so .
29 Opposite him a woman leaned out of the window of her own apartment and shouted at him .
30 She schooled him on the lunge and in a fenced paddock over jumps , and then out in the fields and then out on the marshes , accompanying him on her own eventer and leading him over ditches and fences .
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