Example sentences of "what we be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 SERAFIN : If by ‘ silly ’ you mean ‘ simple-minded ’ , then take heart , because simple-minded is what we are struggling to be .
2 What we are endeavouring to and the company has not as yet went out and dispersed of apprentices willy-nilly .
3 I must point out that this is not the correct way to stand , it is merely an exercise to demonstrate that we can not rely upon our feelings alone to inform us about what we are doing to ourselves .
4 What we are saying to those responsible is , ‘ stop ’ .
5 What we are going to be doing is trying to explain that series , right that er consumption series .
6 Okay , right what we are going to er do now is create a constant , we 'll need a constant for our regressions so if you type the letter Q to come out of the data processing environment right type the letter Q right and then go into the er constant creation menu , which is option one of the data processing menu right , you 'll , you 'll be asked for a name for if you like call it C or constant or Fred Bloggs , just supply a name to your constant term .
7 right so if you er draw a make sure you have got at least half a page , right , you are going to be drawing two quite familiar diagrams , right , you er , first of all just draw a normal total product curve , what we are going to do , because we are looking at a fixed level of output , sorry fixed level of capital what we are going to be analysing is the relationships between the total product of labour , the average product of labour , and the marginal product of labour , right , for a given level of capital okay , so the total product curve just tells us what happens to output as we increase the level of our variable factor labour keeping capital fixed at some constant constant level
8 Thr through you chairman I think also it 's erm it would , er apart from it being er erm a minute for , for us here erm in relation to , you know , what we 're looking to er to er apply , er it also would be useful er in relation to the Regional Liaison Group er of the tripartite er unison unions erm so as to er actually circulate it to them and that 's , that tends to be made up of of er officers , full time officers er and , and er the three kingpins that 's Gill and er Phil as well so it er it lets them know er
9 I 'm not , not really quite sure what we 're trying to a get .
10 So , it 's no good er me looking up in some book Theresa 's dreams if I could decipher it like some kind of code in which every single thing in the laten in the manifest content represented something latent for what we 're trying to then kind of decode as in a code book because er that 's not valid , at least it 's not valid in general terms .
11 That 's experience , but that , that 's what we 're aiming to a , er , achieve .
12 It 's just that what we 're going to be doing for the next few weeks means you 're going to have to be very open with me , and Quincx to a degree .
13 So essentially , what we 're going to be doing are going through er the lessons that are actually outlined in page eight and page nine of your booklet .
14 And I 'm just going through what we 're going to be doing whe on the training day itself , or the assessment day .
15 And wh why that 's happening is really what we 're going to be spending the evening on , and it 's related to international trade .
16 Okay what we 're going to be doing is estimating a demand function so we can specify the textile consumption as a function of real incomes per capita and also relative prices , alright .
17 The first one was community and I know , erm that Catherine was n't very happy about the community side of things and I 've looked at the the pamphlet things and it needs updating a little bit so I took the fact that the Royal Quay 's were down at our doorstep and contacted Linda who was extremely helpful and she 's put together erm , a package of things along with me , I went down last week and the first week the ninth is going to be explaining to the classes what we 're going to be doing , each form teacher will be able to do that and the sixteen and the twenty third there are visits down to the Royal Quay 's Education Centre erm for which
18 Erm , it would be unsafe , I think , to work on an assumption that what we 're going to er one post becoming available through natural wastage per year , and even that erm , highish I think .
19 It may be implied , but I do n't think it 's it 's actually explicit up there , and I think it pond I would like to recognise what we 're going to work towards , and that is influences about choice .
20 And what we 're going to be looking at is what causes stress .
21 So that 's what we 're going to be talking about now .
22 So that 's what we 're going to be doing .
23 Little bit apprehensive — do n't know what we 're going to be facing out there .
24 But it 's important , for what we 're going to be thinking of this morning to re , keep that little phrase in mind that Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side , there was purpose in going into that boat .
25 You know , we 've we 've got to agree on what we 're going to what terminology we use
26 Is this what we 're reduced to ?
27 what we 're saying to the liberals , you know , well sort of have a look at this , look at what we 're sort of proposed
28 Fine er what we 're , what we 're saying to you basically is , right , and , and another thing you 're doing is proving that you 're capable of doing it , now if I was training you from cold , right , and you had n't done it
29 You ca n't stop the editor from inverting it , obviously , but , but what we 're saying to you is , as far as your organization is concerned , you want to try and present the , you know the good news first .
30 Well , it 's not what we 're used to at Hoggatt 's , senior staff knocking each other about .
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