Example sentences of "what we [verb] [verb] is " in BNC.

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1 information about a particular piece , so , Simon and I sort of , we were talking kind of fairly casually about that , but erm , what we agreed to do is , this was about the time when we first got the equipment I think and it , it occurred to me that you , and I 've checked this now , that you can actually plug a cassette , you know , a Walkman type of player into either the microphone for the
2 As one explained , ‘ Well , what we try to do is basically to stop young people from getting into trouble , or prevent them , in other words we keep them out of court .
3 What we try to do is help them to stop being victims . ’
4 What we try to do is to make available to people opportunities for study in depth and over a fairly long period of time , on issues and in subjects which are part of University activity .
5 Yes , I think for a lot of people that 's true and I do n't denigrate that because I think a lot of good work goes on in the Women 's Institute , but what we are particularly interested in is in the professional craftsman , the craftsman who has trained for a number of year to produce extremely good work , and what we try to do is to make that work more available to the public in a number of ways .
6 In fact , by what we like to think is professional panache ( and crossed fingers , out of sight ) we minimise the panic and disguise it completely from the viewer .
7 Yeah , yeah , the station 's there now , but what we use to do is both down there and the next come up and Rights Lane is , you , you know Sheppards use to be there ?
8 That 's what we tend to do is n't it ?
9 What we tend to do is to brief ourselves very thoroughly on vulnerable spots in the world , and in countries where we already have links and where we 've worked before and we know the background because we , we feel we need that and we monitor very carefully certain events which could lead to a disaster , so that when the disaster does happen , like for instance the Ugandan famine of nineteen seventy-nine to eighty-one , we knew exactly when it was going to happen and we knew exactly where the people were , we knew who was going to be affected , we knew why they were affected , we knew where the food stocks were , we knew how long it was going to take to get so many thousand tonnes of food from A to B erm and how many trucks you would need .
10 However , what we 've noticed is how much more expensive it is to decorate an older house .
11 No what we said was that if you were interested to see if two variables are associated , this is for a pi squared you might look at sex differences , men and women , and smoking or non-smoking now if they were associated what we 've said is that you might for example ex in fact women 'll probably smoke more than men .
12 So that 's what we 've said is the scope of our registration .
13 But it certainly has n't determined policy in any way , because what we 've said is that provided we 're satisfied that there is n't profiteering going on by the oil companies , and our Office of Fair Trading have told us that there is n't , then it is right that , that we should pay the right price for our petrol , and that is what it costs at any one time .
14 So technology has advanced considerably , and what we 've done is to capitalise on the younger engineers and we 've introduced another phase called neighbourhood engineers and this is where we rely on the er goodwill of the firms to actually sa let their seconder engineers sometimes , but certainly let them out into the er into the schools careers convention work places to talk to the actual youngster itself .
15 We know very precisely the age at the top of the coral when it was uplifted and died and what we 've done is counted these bands back through hundreds of years , back to the time when the coral first started growing and that was in the year fifteen eighty three .
16 What I , w w what we 've done is we 've assured them that we will provide the level of service that they 've had previously and if need be
17 Erm and er that it 's maybe very important at a time like this when children are potentially going and and knocking on stranger 's doors to be particularly careful so what we 've done is is is put together a simple guide for parents and carers erm which suggests that er they should n't just let their children go off for the evening .
18 As you can see , so far six hundred organizations have registered with us and what we 've done is put them in a rather , rather flash booklet and the idea is that youngsters , their parents , teachers , youth leaders , scout leaders , anybody , gets hold of one of these booklets and in it , it tells them how to go sailing .
19 What we 've done is we 've taken out of the table what is unlikely to happen , no not unlikely , er I 'll rephrase that , what is agreed will not come forward in in the structure plan period , the roll forward
20 What what we 've done is is is print our names in capital letters there .
21 So what we 've done is we 've applied a simple learning rule which just says remember the sub-patterns .
22 I mean if if I 'd done that this morning and I 'd written it all up before you came in and then said well what we 've done is this and then we did that and then we did that but as as it was generated as we discussed then then you were with me I hope at the way it went
23 If we just take those , so basically what we 've done is we 've cut down all the luxuries in your life
24 what we 've , what we 've done is the said job where , where
25 get the phrase in the end , it 's , what we 've done is , at the end they go , they do a
26 So what we 've done is like make a into the kitchen and this will be a .
27 We 're , we 're sort of just about , you know there 's the last minute things to put in , but , barring that , what we 've done is to put it in a lot of small bags rather than big cases
28 Yeah yeah well I 've done it and I just want to check with you that what we 've done is right and then I can er
29 It happens that what we 've done is we 've taken it and hung it on the starlight , the magic of starlight — how wonderful it is , how much you can tell from just looking at a star through a telescope and measuring the light that comes out of it , and this takes us into realms of why a star shines ; what do you mean by time when you go back millions of years into the universe lifetime ; what do you mean , why do stars shine with different colours .
30 Okay well if we look into the development of the presidency what we 've seen is a gradually changing conception of the office .
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