Example sentences of "what it be like for " in BNC.

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1 BS is supposed to have complete scientific knowledge of V and his physical environment when V sees : yet BS does not know what it is like for V to see , what colours look like , etcetera .
2 What it is like for a daughter in these circumstances is described by Afshan Begum ( a young Muslim woman who grew up in Britain ) in her thesis Adolescent Muslim girls in British Schools .
3 Only a few of them have any idea what it is like for school to be a persistent diet of boredom , incomprehension and failure .
4 Assuming ( as we all do ) that our experience is somehow intrinsically different from the bat 's , how could we even conceive of what the bat 's experience is really like — that is to say , what it is like for the bat ?
5 Nor is it any use to insist that you can conceive of what it is like for a knee which is not yours to be hurting .
6 It 's exhausting enough for you ; imagine what it is like for someone who is n't used to your kids .
7 We all have too much experience of what it is like for council tenants trying to exercise their supposed freedom for us to lie easily with the Government 's assurances on that matter .
8 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
9 ‘ You do n't understand what it 's like for a woman .
10 Lambeth has no idea in the world what it 's like for people like us .
11 I do n't know what it 's like for a girl , but it 's not easy for a fella to get hold of contraception .
12 But they can be good at conveying what it was like for them to be there , and to be writing it down .
13 How could he , Theo , have forgotten what it was like for him in Amsterdam ?
14 I just tried to write what it was like for me in Toronto , growing up and hanging out , the suburban adolescent heavy metal North American experience .
15 ‘ I do n't even want to think about what it was like for those 52 hours when Farrah was missing .
16 So I 'm gon na ask both of you for a word specially in a moment to describe what it was like for that girl in the jungle .
17 Well tell me what it was like for you , from your point of view , erm , erm coming to a New Town with a teenage son because most of the couples who came either did n't have any children or were just about to have baby
18 You young people have no idea what it was like for people in Europe then to be offered a cigarette or a piece of chocolate or something like real coffee .
19 If you think it was hard for me , think what it was like for Gary , the sound technician , who had to sit out front in a box , wired up and WATCH the whole thing seven times a week and twice on Saturdays .
20 It is difficult to define accurately what it was like for , although it still exists , it has been damaged , altered and restored so the original design has been obscured .
21 Well , if death can ever be glamorous , that , I suppose , is the glamorous side of war casualties , but I think we need to spend the rest of our time very much looking at what it was like for the ordinary people of St Aldate's. erm And here , I apologise for producing a modern slide of Carfax , but I think just to remind you that we are talking about a very busy crowded city area , and erm about a city whose whole aspect was changing during the war .
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